59. I now create a wonderful new relationship. Instead of isolating myself, I am choosing to open up and let the love in.


Right now this is not a topic that I actually feel like writing about! Seeing as I am all about being authentic and walking my truth I feel that right now is the perfect time for me to write. My washing machine door has been jammed since last night. It does that sometimes. No big deal but I have just got home from work and it still doesn’t want to open. I’ve changed the setting, I have unplugged it and moved it around and then I started swearing at it. I tried to rationalise my thoughts and tell myself it is only a machine but by this stage I am crying as well. My period is due in days and the effects of a full moon leave me emotionally raw and vulnerable.  In between my sanity is being kept as I am sending messages about a getaway which I feel my body so desperately desires.

Ok so I have composed myself and had a look at the affirmation for today and thought “far out universe” I have loved isolating myself into my own little world especially in the last month or so. I went to a “blue moon” celebration last night. I loved it and I especially love the connections you make with beautiful likeminded souls. I had a 10 minute reading and I was able to give massages to those that I felt. It was such a beautiful night.  The full moon is all about releasing and letting go and what was a theme for me last night was letting go of old wounds. I rolled my eyes when she mentioned the words and she reminded me to reflect within and to really let go of what no longer served me. So as I sit here with my washing machine and a door that won’t open, a heavy chest because I have yet another cold this year and on the brink of laughing and crying I  feel within and notice what is going on for me right now.

How do we know if we have completely let go of heartache? I did a massage for a girl last night and we spoke about a broken heart. My feel is that why do we have to call it a broken heart. Can’t it be a heart that bursts open instead of breaking? If our heart is breaking from a lost love does it mean that we are still giving them our power? I know that there are no such things as coincidences and there was no mistake. I had my reading first and then had a conversation with a woman that by the way had the same name as me. Was it a lesson that I actually had to learn myself? Yes I think so!!! So rather than say a little part of me died with that relationship my feel is that my heart opened up for more love to come into my life. Anyway there is proof in the pudding. After each relationship that has ended my life become even more so enriched, abundant and plentiful. So I am more than guessing that this was the exact nudge from the universe to stop hibernating and being a bear, shave my legs and open my heart to receiving unconditional love. It is not only about receiving but giving love to the most important relationship with you. There is only one thing that can happen and that is more love. Pretty good odd I reckon! I now create a wonderful new relationship. Instead of isolating myself, I am choosing to open up and let the love in. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

Huge love

