24. I have a great relationship with money; it loves me and fills my pockets.


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I love the serendipity of the affirmations that I write about as it is exactly what I need to write about at the perfect time. I had a kinesiology appointment yesterday and my relationship with money came up. When I sat down to write about the affirmation that today presented, I had a little giggle as I know that everything happens for a reason. It is like the universe is testing me to just double check that I have received and learnt the lesson that I am meant to at this time. Before my kinesiology appointment even began there was a bowl of affirmations on the table. I went through the cards in the bowl and of course what came up was about money. The card read “My income is always increasing” I didn’t take much notice of it and placed it back in the bowl. Now that I sit and write about my relationship about money I know that divine timing has occurred as it was only earlier this week that I visited the bank to work out what works best for me and my finances.

I didn’t think that I had a negative relationship with money until it was bought to my attention yesterday and realised that I used the words “it is too expensive” or  “I can’t afford it” at various times. These words and energy that it carries is already from a deficit model instead of coming from a place of abundance. I have a beautiful home in which I am surrounded by plenty. I have a warm bed and shelter, food is more than ample and I always have appropriate clothing to wear in whatever weather. Rather what I sometimes focus on is the perceived lack and the internal struggle of feeling that I am just scraping by. Rather than focusing on living week to week what I would rather be fixing my attention to is all that I am surrounded with. I have no idea what it is like to go without because I am truly blessed with the prosperity that surrounds me.

I truly believe that everything happens in divine timing and for a reason, there is no mistake about the people that come into our lives and it is about being for a reason, season or lifetime. I met a beautiful young woman yesterday who shared her story. She is an asylum seeker who has fled her political country where there is no freedom and life is dictated in a way most of us will never know. She literally left with the clothes on her back and a bag which she still carried. That was all and that was it. As I sat and listened to her story I thought about some mornings when I dress and complain that I have nothing to wear. There is a wardrobe overspilling with shoes and clothes that stares at me daily. Really!!! Reality check of exactly how lucky I am simply by living in Australia to have all that I do. I am not judging my thoughts and actions rather I am learning to shift perspective about where I am right now and that my affiliation with money is one that is plentiful and pleasant. I have a great relationship with money; it loves me and fills my pockets. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



23. Unconditional love and acceptance are the best gifts I can give and receive.


The feeling of unconditional love is a one that is sacred, raw and beautiful. To love unconditionally is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself and others. One of my most important lessons in life is to know that I am worthy of unconditional love. This was not always something that I believed that I was worthy of nor did I feel deserving of it. I was always trying to change aspects of self that I felt were not good enough to make others happy especially in my relationships. It was until such a time in my own life when I went deep into self-discovery, learnt to accept all parts of self that I truly felt that I am so worthy and deserving of unconditional love, just as we all are.  I no longer feel that I need to change to “fit” in with others rather I have come to accept that I am perfect and whole just the way I am. That doesn’t mean that I put myself on a pedestal or feel that I am better than anybody else. What I do know is that when I come from a place of compassion and love for others then in turn I am able to love myself and others unconditionally.

My life and the circle of people that surround me is based on a foundation of unconditional love. I love myself enough to know that this is the ultimate gift that I can give myself and others. It doesn’t mean that I stop learning and healing, it simply means that I recognise when I am not and challenge myself to be on the path of unconditional love and compassion always. Don’t get me wrong I still get myself worked up in tangents and can become a raving lunatic. My drama queen ego comes out to play but ultimately it gets me nowhere. In fact it makes me tired and my energy feels like crap. It actually serves me no purpose other than to recognise that I am not in my truth nor I am coming from unconditional love for myself and others. For if I am living and feeling unconditional love and acceptance my life is free flowing with grace and ease, when I am not then not so much!

Sending unconditional love to people and situations that have caused you harm or grief can often be one of the most challenging aspects of unconditional love and acceptance that I have felt so far. There are times when I haven’t felt like giving unconditional love to the tool that pissed me off! I want to be pissed off. What I am able to recognise through this feeling is that the only person that I am harming through this process is me. My buttons have been pushed for a reason and the lesson in the feelings that have emerged is often what the gift is. It is the gift of acceptance and healing and this is by far the greatest feeling of unconditional love to experience. Unconditional love and acceptance are the best gifts I can give and receive. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



Just like the bright sun, I am radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence.

I have to have a laugh at the affirmation today because I was far from being a bright sun. It is not a joyful laugh but an almost psychotic shrill at the irony of what the affirmation means for me right now.  I almost contemplated not writing today but as my writing is about compassion I thought I would walk my talk and recognise that each experience is one that I can learn from. I had far from pleasant interactions today and if you asked those that spent the day with me I am not quite sure that that would have described me as a bright sun or feeling warm and safe in my presence. Jokes aside I actually love the way the universe presents me with what is important each and every time. For the situations that caused me grief today, thanks for reminding me that life is about embracing the good, bad and the ugly and today ugly reared its head. In fact I just told the telemarketer on the phone that I had a shitty day and if he was happy to bear the brunt of my crap then I would happily speak to him. He declined and hung up.

I am proud of my dark side and funnily (or not so funny) I dressed in all black today something that I do not normally do. It is all about perception I suppose. I am learning to embrace and love all parts of self and to honour that ALL of me with love and respect. Yes I am premenstrual, yes I am tired and yes the full moon is coming. Sure there are days when “stuff” doesn’t flow and the universe forces up to step up and review what is important. What is not important is drama and stories. I can either choose to get sucked up in the whirlwind of crap or see today for what it was, a shitty day that teaches me about compassion. It may take me a while to find compassion for this one but what I do know is that personal responsibility for the way that we act and treat others is primarily ours.

What today taught me is that life more than ever is about precious humanity. I do not want to spend my days or life in drama of my own or of other. (unless of course I am on the stage performing in a famous kind of cabaret show). Every person or situation is a mirror. The triggers that are presented allow us to see the viewpoint of where in our lives this may have been similar. I am sure that there was a time in my life where I did not take personal responsibility and create drama any way I could in fact I am sure of it. But I live and learn. I know today was a reminder from the universe to review my life purpose and focus. I can choose to get caught up in the actions of another or I can focus on the unconditional love and most beautiful hug that I received that made today so worthwhile.  Just like the bright sun, I am radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



21. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.


I was literally talking to a friend about an hour ago about this very topic! Thanks universe for reminding me about this affirmation and knowing that everything is exactly the way that it is meant to be. In life we tend to want to control what is going on around us. It gives us a sense of glory when we feel that we have it all “under control”. I have to giggle to myself right about now because I totally used to be “I got this all under control kind of person” I would have stuff all mapped out and then the universe would come along and mess it all up for me. When I look at it now the universe was actually working in my favour to get me to wherever I was required and this is the magic of life.

Do you hear yourself saying “Only if I had of known?” Yeah living in the past isn’t so great and really a waste of energy. Just as my dear friend said to me tonight “if all the other stuff had not have happened then I would not be experiencing all the great that I do now.” Sometimes in the midst of what we perceive as the crappy stuff in our lives we don’t always is actually the silver lining. Often it is not until months later when you have that aha moment and you realise that all the bits of the puzzle have come together to teach you an amazing lesson.

I know for me I used to want to have it all worked out and know exactly where I was at and what I was doing. Well you know what it didn’t work that well for me. What I do know is going with what feels right and what flows is what is meant to be. Often what will happen is I am at the right place at the perfect time to hear information or gather knowledge about whatever it is that is meant to be. I know and have complete trust that I am being guided and I no longer ignore my gut feelings or when something doesn’t feel right. I love and respect myself enough to know that my soul is speaking to me. There are no mistakes. We may be challenged in life with the lessons that we are given but living each day with kindness and grace is purpose. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.





With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



20. Every evening I write down ten things I am grateful for, and watch my blessings increase.


This is such a great exercise and not one that I have done for some time. I feel grateful every day of my life but I have not wrote down what I am grateful for as a daily exercise for some time. When I separated almost two years ago, one of the things I began was a 28 gratitude journal. I really felt that it helped me through one of the toughest times of my life. It put stuff into perspective and allowed me to focus on all that I had rather what I had felt that I had lost. So I will begin this again right now. I am grateful for the bees that pollenate and give us life.

  1. I am grateful for the beautiful butterflies that I can see fluttering.
  2. I am grateful for my eyes because of all that they allow me to see and do.
  3. I am grateful that I have a beautiful home to live in and that keeps me safe.
  4. I am grateful that I have been able to cook today because it means that I am abundant and am able to eat whenever I choose.
  5. I am grateful that I was able to sit, relax and chat with my mum today.
  6. I am grateful that I have clean drinking water to drink
  7. I am grateful for the big hug that my little sister gave me and her beautiful smile.
  8. I am grateful that I have a job to go to tomorrow that I love.
  9. I am grateful that I am alive.
  10.  I am grateful for my brain.

Sometime in life we simply forget about the simple pleasures of life and what true pleasure they bring us. I really like what the affirmation today feels like for me right now. Sometimes we go to bed with thoughts scurrying around in our minds and we  toss and turn before we find sleep. Writing down ten things each time before you go to sleep feels like a beautiful way to complete a day.

Having a grateful heart for all we experience in life is one of the most treasured gifts. Feeling gratitude for all that we have been taught especially those who may have taught us tough life lessons is truly liberating. I was driving through my old neighbourhood the other day and my ex came into my mind. I actually felt love and was so grateful for the wings he has now allowed me to have in my life. The end of our relationship was such a gift and I felt real gratitude for him and the purpose that he had in my journey. It made me smile. It was a reminder that no matter what life presents us with we can choose to focus on the negative or we can delve in and find the silver lining. Every evening I write down ten things I am grateful for, and watch my blessings increase. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



19. I release all things that no longer benefit me: objects, ideas, habits or relationships.


It is full on to sit here and know that the first month of 2015 has already passed us by and that the 5th day of February has already arrived. This year I decided not to write every day rather when I felt that it was right for me to do. What is far more important for is to live a life coming from my heart space and coming from a place of compassion. For me it was also about releasing an expectation about something that I felt that I had to do every day. The affirmation for today has come at the perfect time as the universe truly works and weaves its magic each and every time.

The message at the beginning of February from the I Can Do It 2015 Louise Hay Calendar states “I have discovered that I am becoming more confident in my daily choices. I know that Life supports me, and I step forward feeling safe and protected”  This particular statement coincides beautifully with the affirmation for the day because the more I release what no longer serves the more confident I become with the choices that I make. Life is pretty simply but as human beings we tend to complicate with a whole heap of stuff. We like to critique and over analyse what is going on in our lives, only to leave us drained, feeling stressed and overwhelmed. It serves no purpose if we are creating drama and angst.

The last few years I certainly feel like my life has changed in ways that I am eternally grateful. The most important aspect of discovery is being of service and stepping up and stepping into my authentic self. Being my authentic self and acknowledging all parts of me not just the parts that look and feel good. I have also realised that eating humble pie does not always taste great but far out it is liberating. Taking personal responsibility and understanding that all that has been created is simply a reflection of me allows me to be more confident in what I do. In doing so I am totally safe and protected in all that I do and I know and feel this each and every day. That doesn’t mean that I am a bag of roses and that I am happy clappy 24/7. I still get annoyed and I get crabby but what I don’t do is blame. Sure somebody or something may have triggered a response but if the feeling didn’t dwell in me there would be no reaction.

So when I am confronted with a situation that no longer serves, I am able to thank whatever it is for showing me what it is that I needed to learn. I heard a conversation the other day where an elderly mother was saying to her son that she wishes that there would be no more fighting in the worlds. His response was “it is not realistic”. I judged him and my first response was “you are a tool” if we never imagine what it would feel like then of course it will never be possible. I felt so much love for the elderly mother whose vision it was for to have a world of peace. Then I sunk back into my heart space and sent the son love and compassion in the hope that one day he too will feel that there would be a world with no fighting and filled with peace. I also had to acknowledge that there was a time in me where I had limiting beliefs. Oh how sweet are the lessons of life! Sure he may be limiting to what his beliefs are but if I am calling him a tool it is because I myself have been “a tool” at some point. It is bittersweet. I release all things that no longer benefit me: objects, ideas, habits or relationships. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.






With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



18. Everyone changes, and I allow change in everyone.


Oh my, how things change but how bloody boring life would be if it all stayed the same. Sometimes change is forced upon us and hits us like a brick wall and we really don’t know what to do with it. There are other times when change shakes our whole world inside out and upside down. Change can cause us to be incredibly anxious and fearful. If we didn’t change it would simply be groundhog day and not sure about you but quite frankly I much prefer spontaneity and excitement to dull and dreary. There is a simple saying that I love and allows me to take responsibility for what happens in my life and it states “For things to change. First I must change” Simple but ever so true.

One of the most gracious gifts that we can deliver to ourselves is personal responsibility. When things happen in life we often look for a scape goat or a reason as to why it has occurred. Life presents us with challenges on so many levels. At times it feels like are climbing a never ending mountain only for an avalanche to occur and we are right back to where we have started. It feels like crap and we have every right to be tired and weary. What can happen in these instances is that we can simply fall into a heap at the bottom (which is totally OK) or we can rest and find the courage and strength to start again. It doesn’t mean either way that we have failed rather it reminds us that there is so much strength in our vulnerability and allowing change to happen around is simply part of the process. Sometimes the avalanche has to occur in order for us to simply stop and allow change to occur. When we don’t listen the universe certainly forces us to, which then allows time to refocus and continue on the path we are meant to travel.

Sometimes change feel like a slap in the face and it takes a while to embrace what has actually occurred. Other times the change is so fricken awesome and it welcome so many opportunities. Allowing others to change is liberating, sometimes that may mean that the path once shared is no longer but I truly believe that it is part of a divine plan that leads us to extraordinary things. I can speak with experience about this for each time I have felt betrayed or rejected by something or someone it has only been because the universe had bigger and better plans for me. I no longer choose to get up in the drama or why, where and how it all occurred. It is irrelevant. Life is too precious for that. It doesn’t mean that I do not feel but when you only come from a place of love and compassion there is no other way. Everyone changes, and I allow change in everyone. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



17. Harmony surrounds me. All is well in my world.


I’ve refrained all day from writing my blog because quite frankly I haven’t really wanted to feel. I spent two days away after the funeral of my aunt, which was exactly what I needed. The death of a family member is something that we all will or have experienced at some time or another and for each of us the feelings and emotions are different. What is real is grief and coming home last night noticing the red rose that we received from her coffin stared me in the face. The whole thing had actually happened, but it was time for bed and I went to sleep. This morning when I got up and climbed down my stairs it was the first thing I noticed and again I realised that it was real.

So as I glanced upon the affirmation today on several occasions. I didn’t want to write about all being well in my world because I felt like crap! My body feels tired, my heart feels heavy and the realisation that life can all too quickly pass us by is so bloody real. I know it has only been a  few short weeks and I am sure there will be many more moments, hours or days when I may feel like this again but right now it feels so raw and hurts so much. I can’t pretend nor do I want to but what I can do is allow myself to feel harmony in a way that I know how.

So for today I am being compassionate to myself and looking after me the way I know how. I would love to drink a few bottles of red wine and pretend it never happened but I also know it will come back until I deal with whatever it is that I am feeling at the time. So for now I will cry the tears that I need to cry, lie in Mother Earth and allow her to cradle my body so I can soak up her loving energy, listen to music, mediate and make myself a big fat bowl of popcorn and watch a movie. This is all I can muster for today. I may never be able to physically touch her again but I know that if I close my eyes I can feel her in my soul and heart and this brings me harmony. Harmony surrounds me. All is well in my world. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



16. I get plenty of sleep every night, and my body appreciates how I take care of it.


(spending time with my niece :)

I have spent the last couple of days away down at the beach and have caught up on much needed rest and sleep. The last few weeks have been emotionally exhausting with the passing of my dear aunt and my body is weary and tired. The last few days have been such a blessing for some rest which has allowed my body to be amongst Mother Nature and to absorb her beautiful energy.

I know my body all too well and for me not getting enough rest as with anybody does not allow me to do the things that I love to do with grace and ease. I know that when I have not slept enough I crave sugary and fatty foods the next day, my concentration is poor and I lack motivation and enthusiasm. Sounds like pretty simply mathematics and logic to me. However there are still times when we abuse our bodies and do not take care of ourselves as they deserve.

One of the biggest triggers for me when I was unwell with mania which ultimately led to hospitalisation was that I could not sleep. This was caused by my body being under huge amounts of pressure and stress and not taking care of it as what it deserved. Hindsight is great and I did not know or appreciate to love my body and self the way I do now. So now when my body does not have the sleep that it requires I ensure that I rest and recuperate as I honour my body and all that it allows me to do. It is also about not abusing my body with toxic food, substances or alcohol as I also know all too well how this impacts your body and life. Hard lessons to learn but ones in which I am grateful for they have taught me about what I do not want in my life.

The last few nights have been pretty cool as I have been spending time with my niece and we have slept and snuggled together at night. It is times like these that I truly treasure and I have loved the relaxing nature of being away, reading and taking the time out that my body has truly required. My body deserves it. I get plenty of sleep every night, and my body appreciates how I take care of it. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



15. I am always able to make the correct decision. I recognise my own intuitive ability.



Our intuition is our own inner compass yet there are times when we still tend to ignore that gut feeling or inner knowing.  Trusting ourselves and what we feel is really important to our soul and being. Ego tends to get in the way and when we are not in our natural state of love our intuition can be mistaken with what our head is thinking. The connection between our head and heart is one that creates grace and life is at ease.

For a very long time I lived in my head and to be perfectly honest it is crap. It creates anxiety, depression and a great platform for mental illness to survive and thrive. Trust me I have all too well about this scenario and it is not pleasant. Furthermore it takes a toll on our bodies and creates stress which leads to disease and we do not live our lives with ease. When we finally can learn to live in our heart space it is one of the most liberating feelings that we are able to experience. It is authentic and it is real.

For me each day leads me more and more to about focusing on compassion towards myself and others and knowing that ultimately we are all connected and that we are all one. This is the way that recognising our own intuition becomes the only way that we do live and ultimately leads to living from a place of truth in all areas of all our lives. This allows us to be free of the masks that we so often wear in order to protect ourselves from feeling what is going on for us. We hide from the truth and find it uncomfortable to live with rejection, betrayal, so on and so forth. Feelings that can only live if we are living with fear due to living a life when we are not being true to ourselves.

So when we consider making the correct decisions for ourselves it is when we are in our truth and living in our heart space that we are guided by our intuition. A place where freedom lives and knowing that whatever the outcome may be at any certain time is exactly where it is meant to be. For me right now, I am listening to my intuition and the way I feel more that I have ever done. By doing so it leads me to places of bliss that I love and learn by. Even if my intuition leads me to a place where my feelings and path may be challenged I know that there is a divine purpose and path. I am always able to make the correct decision. I recognise my own intuitive ability. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

