I love the age old saying “what others think about me is not of my business”. It sounds so simple, but yet we tend to get caught up in our egos. For such a long time I truly gave a f*&K about what others thought or said about me. Now I couldn’t care less. Not because I am arrogant or self-centred but simply because I recognise that their perception is a reflection of their world. At 41 years young I have the wisdom to know the difference. Trust me it hasn’t always been this easy or simple for me. There were times in my life where I just wanted to be loved and accepted and would worry and care about what others thought and said. Now I figure if somebody is taking the time to “talk about me” even if it is not in the most desirable of ways then I must be pretty significant for them to putting their energy into it. All about perception I reckon.
It is when we are down and out about ourselves that the options of other can either exacerbate or alleviate our feelings, good bad or indifferent. It is the relationship that we have about our self that is the most important. We are only able to feel the negative impact of another opinion if we in fact have that opinion about ourselves
I have accepted and now love my inner “crazy\weird”. There was a time that I was so embarrassed and ashamed about having a mental health issue that I would avoid it at all costs. Now I am loud and proud about it because I embrace and love my “crazy\weird”. I am happy to admit that at times there is “Little Miss Psycho” that resides within me. She is certainly much more tamed these days but Little Miss Psycho is a part of me that I have learnt to love and totally embrace. She is the part that has allowed me to dig deep and discover my creative flair that I love to express.
With this experience has also come a “shitload” of lessons. Sure it is about the stigma that is attached to mental illness, but it so much more and quite frankly I don’t really care about the “story” any more. What I love most is how the experience has enriched my life and fulfilled a part of me that I never knew existed. So we have a choice about others opinion. We can either get pulled into the drama of it all or not give a rats and focus on the amazing relationship with ourselves, because who we are is a reflection of what is around us.. I am far more than other people’s opinions. My opinion of myself is the one that counts. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.
HUGE love