Almost two years ago to the very date I sat in the same place that I am sitting right now. I am in Kuala Lumpur International Airport waiting for a connecting flight to Siem Reap Cambodia. A place that I travelled to as a participant of a . I remember at the time I almost didn’t go for a myriad of reasons. I had just separated after a 7 year relationship. I was recovering from a sinus nose operation, I was living with my folks and I had just enough money to get a plane ticket and pay for the trip that would change my life in so many ways. Ways that at the time I could not have fathomed to even begin to comprehend. So as I write my affirmation I feel amazingly grateful right now for ALL the challenges in my life as they have led me exactly to where I am right now. I really LOVE my life!
What the last two years have especially taught me is how to live loving. The lessons have been profound and the most valuable would have to be the never ending lesson of loving myself. Not only to learn to love myself but especially how to love with compassion for others. I am not necessarily talking about friends and family, for most of the time they are easy peezy to love. Rather what I am embracing is that I learn to love and accept each part of me and with that I have more love and compassion for the rest of humanity. Sounds pretty simple I reckon but I can tell you right now each hurdle or challenge that presents generally has a theme of a lack of love, insecurity or ego having a play. For when I love and truly love ALL aspects of who I am then the rest just follows.
People often ask me why I keep going back to Cambodia. There are no real words to describe other than the feeling of “home” that it represents for me. The simplicity and gratitude of what life has to offer overwhelms me with such generosity and magic. More importantly it is about a connection to know that we are all the same and that every living person has the right to justice, equality and peace. My heart over pours with emotion as I feel into the Cambodian people, for the injustice of country that is filled with so many things but above all gratitude and compassion.
What I do know that with all the challenges that last two years have presented me they have certainly created a pretty awesome version of who I am right now. I could never have foreseen what the potential of “the break up” could have been, but two years on and life is more exciting than what I have ever known. Far out what amazing lessons I have learnt! It was never an ending it was simply a wondrous new beginning. When you believe and shine your light magic happens. Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.
HUGE love