Thank you for the affirmation for today universe! As I sit here on a precious autumn morning at my favourite local café I feel immense gratitude for the reminders about why life is so precious. I recognise to not get caught up in drama, especially after having received a text at 7:15am. I release all expectations especially by those by who I may have felt disappointment, resentment or bitterness. I am reminded to be compassionate and kind as much as I want to have a “dig” and respond in a way that will only create a story and drama. It doesn’t mean that I do not have to feel what is going on but it is about accepting responsibility and understanding that we are all the same and that we all have played a part to get to where we are right now. So for now I send compassion and love to the situation. I trust that when the timing is aligned the lessons will be revealed and the journey will continue whichever the way it is intended for the greater good of all involved.
What today further affirms for is to truly believe and understand that life will always take care of me. Right now I am in the midst of jobs and the next leap of faith that I am about to embark on right now is unknown. I am reminded to let go of ALL expectations that are associated with this and to trust and fully feel that the universe has totes got my back. That doesn’t mean that I just sit back and wait for it to happen. There are action steps that I am required to pursue and I need to be really clear about what it is that I desire. To trust and know that when we are living our truth and are our authentic selves then the universe will always weave its magic and lead us to where we are meant to be.
The last few weeks especially, my energy has been scattered and I have not been in the moment. I have been contemplating with some worry about where to from here. The few “redirections” that I have received have certainly tested my trust and faith in knowing that I am always taken care of and that where I am is exactly where I am meant to be. I understand that if a door hasn’t opened it is simply because it wasn’t the right one for me. My higher self understands this totally but there are times when my beloved ego comes in to play and convinces me otherwise. Ego pushes us to peel away more layers and allows us to become more vulnerable. With our vulnerability also comes our strength and courage to be the magnificent beings that we were born to be. I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day,
With love