The thoughts at the forefront of my mind are of a dear furbaby that passed away today. My head is still reeling from the events and I almost thought about going straight to bed and pretending it didn’t happen. What I have also realised is stuffing my emotions down doesn’t work either. Earlier today my sister and I were driving down a busy main road, there was a man frantically wanting to cross the road. We slowed down to make sure he was Ok and there he was on the side of the road yelling in pure pain that his dog had just been hit. It was heartbreaking.
I wish I was writing this story differently but I am not. We stopped and assisted him in any way we could. It was futile and he was losing a lot of blood. So many people stopped and tried to assist in any way they could. Unfortunately the driver did not. There was a few of us that ended up meeting him at the vet but the darling furbaby had gone. Complete strangers who had come to help a man and his dog. It was just devastating. His shrills of mercy that his dog had been hit is is gut-wrenching.
So as I sit and write about having plenty of time to so what I need to do I am in slight conflict. Time is truly of the essence and I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. I can’t explain why the beautiful German Shepherd dog was hit and later died but it has come as a harsh reminder that life is so very precious and everything can change in an instant. It doesn’t mean that we have to live life in fear and anxious. Rather for me right now it is a timely reminder about being in the moment and it is truly all we have.
My sister and I witnessed the tragedy tonight for whatever reason. I know that after work, I hadn’t planned to go for a run but I did. I didn’t intend to go past my sister’s house but I did and there was never any plan to drive her to work. None the less I did and in the midst of it I was witness to a man losing his best friend. Life smacks you in the face sometimes and puts it all into perspective.
So on reflection what I do know and feel about time is being in the now. When we are in crisis we are so present. To be grateful for every moment, even when it is painful for this is where precious humanity is witnessed and we all come together as one. A harsh realisation that we understand this in troubled times. For if this was the way of the world each and every day justice would prevail. We are all connected, we are all one. To the dear furbaby that grew his wings today, may your flight be peaceful and loving. Thank you for your lesson of love. I have plenty of time to do what I need to do. Time expands for me.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.