21. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.


I was literally talking to a friend about an hour ago about this very topic! Thanks universe for reminding me about this affirmation and knowing that everything is exactly the way that it is meant to be. In life we tend to want to control what is going on around us. It gives us a sense of glory when we feel that we have it all “under control”. I have to giggle to myself right about now because I totally used to be “I got this all under control kind of person” I would have stuff all mapped out and then the universe would come along and mess it all up for me. When I look at it now the universe was actually working in my favour to get me to wherever I was required and this is the magic of life.

Do you hear yourself saying “Only if I had of known?” Yeah living in the past isn’t so great and really a waste of energy. Just as my dear friend said to me tonight “if all the other stuff had not have happened then I would not be experiencing all the great that I do now.” Sometimes in the midst of what we perceive as the crappy stuff in our lives we don’t always is actually the silver lining. Often it is not until months later when you have that aha moment and you realise that all the bits of the puzzle have come together to teach you an amazing lesson.

I know for me I used to want to have it all worked out and know exactly where I was at and what I was doing. Well you know what it didn’t work that well for me. What I do know is going with what feels right and what flows is what is meant to be. Often what will happen is I am at the right place at the perfect time to hear information or gather knowledge about whatever it is that is meant to be. I know and have complete trust that I am being guided and I no longer ignore my gut feelings or when something doesn’t feel right. I love and respect myself enough to know that my soul is speaking to me. There are no mistakes. We may be challenged in life with the lessons that we are given but living each day with kindness and grace is purpose. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.





With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

