Oh my, how things change but how bloody boring life would be if it all stayed the same. Sometimes change is forced upon us and hits us like a brick wall and we really don’t know what to do with it. There are other times when change shakes our whole world inside out and upside down. Change can cause us to be incredibly anxious and fearful. If we didn’t change it would simply be groundhog day and not sure about you but quite frankly I much prefer spontaneity and excitement to dull and dreary. There is a simple saying that I love and allows me to take responsibility for what happens in my life and it states “For things to change. First I must change” Simple but ever so true.
One of the most gracious gifts that we can deliver to ourselves is personal responsibility. When things happen in life we often look for a scape goat or a reason as to why it has occurred. Life presents us with challenges on so many levels. At times it feels like are climbing a never ending mountain only for an avalanche to occur and we are right back to where we have started. It feels like crap and we have every right to be tired and weary. What can happen in these instances is that we can simply fall into a heap at the bottom (which is totally OK) or we can rest and find the courage and strength to start again. It doesn’t mean either way that we have failed rather it reminds us that there is so much strength in our vulnerability and allowing change to happen around is simply part of the process. Sometimes the avalanche has to occur in order for us to simply stop and allow change to occur. When we don’t listen the universe certainly forces us to, which then allows time to refocus and continue on the path we are meant to travel.
Sometimes change feel like a slap in the face and it takes a while to embrace what has actually occurred. Other times the change is so fricken awesome and it welcome so many opportunities. Allowing others to change is liberating, sometimes that may mean that the path once shared is no longer but I truly believe that it is part of a divine plan that leads us to extraordinary things. I can speak with experience about this for each time I have felt betrayed or rejected by something or someone it has only been because the universe had bigger and better plans for me. I no longer choose to get up in the drama or why, where and how it all occurred. It is irrelevant. Life is too precious for that. It doesn’t mean that I do not feel but when you only come from a place of love and compassion there is no other way. Everyone changes, and I allow change in everyone. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.