Being kind and compassionate to one another is a given. When we were born into this lifetime we were born with unconditional love. Along the way we learnt and adapted to so many things that did not come from love. These places could have been derived from fear, survival, whatever, it actually doesn’t matter. It is not a matter of blame, our parents or carers did the best that they knew how. What matters most now is our own personal responsibility and returning to the state of being that is love, truth, compassion and integrity. We gather so much crap along the way and if we don’t get rid of it and let it go our view point of the world becomes bitter and twisted and we only operate from fear and ego.
It is fairly easy to offer your loved ones patience, encouragement and support. For most people this state of being is simple. When I reflect on the affirmation for the day what comes to mind are the elderly people that live in our society. This is especially so for those who live with dementia. Dementia can be seen and felt as a cruel and debilitating disease. Having worked in the Aged Care Sector for almost 6 years I felt the pain of family members so often. I only said to my aunty the other day how much I miss working with people with dementia. There is something truly special about what we are able to learn from those that live in dementia. Feeling sorry and sad may be a natural reaction but connecting heart to heart is far more meaningful than most interactions that as human beings we exist with.
When I reflect on why I enjoyed working in Aged Care so much what resonates the most for me is being in the moment. Sometimes there are no words and what needs to be expressed can only be felt. There is communication beyond words and a connection that no matter how much memory loss that may appear to the surface the heart always feels. So whilst there is a beating heart there is always hope and faith.We don’t require words to feel.
So for today and every day offer appreciation, support, patience, encouragement and a smile to somebody that you may not normally. Get involved with some voluntary work if you feel, spend time with the elderly, do whatever is right for you. These are the small things that make the world we live in a brighter place. I offer those around me patience, encouragement, support, a cheerful word, the gift of a smile – and most of all appreciation. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.