This year I am writing from I CAN DO IT 2015 calendar (365 Daily Affirmations) from Louise Hayes. I received it as a farewell gift from an old workplace. Coincidence or not it was through a series of serendipitous events that led me to my first blog that pretty much changed my life forever. Thank you to the beautiful angels that I worked with and hold such a special place in my heart. Their encouragement and love got me through some dark days and I cherish them ever so dearly. So here I go with a fire in my belly to create change with compassion.
I thought I would include the short note from Louise Hay that reads “This year will be different from any other we have lived. Our knowledge and understanding will grow and deepen in new ways. Our capacity for compassion will expand. Our ability to give and receive love will make daily living like heaven on earth. Every New Year brings us the opportunity for a fresh start. In 2015, peace is within our reach as new adventure beckon. Life love us, and will bring us wonders all year long” it follows with a few words about January “This month, I tenderly place my foot on a new pathway. I open my heart, knowing that love guides every decision. All is well”
What I am also mindful of as I write my blog for 2015 is that there are people who are struggling with the emotions of Christmas and New Year. It may not be a time of celebration instead one that stirs emotions of grief and sadness. There is no right or wrong with what we feel it simply is. Our one life is so precious and what we decide to spend our energy and time on is ever so important. It is about creating another way of being to what we knew. For what we knew may not be working for us and is not in alignment with our higher self and universal love. Perhaps we can’t wave a magic wand and be happy but what we can do is focus our energies on others that may not be as fortunate and know that we are truly abundant and blessed. What I also like to remind myself about when I get into my head is to ask myself “if this was my last day on earth would I be OK feeling and doing what is happening right now” If the answer is no, simply change it. As Louise Hay reminds us in her words about January ““This month, I tenderly place my foot on a new pathway” Rewrite your own start to 2015. Life brings me only good and positive experiences. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.
With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.