5. “We hold the wisdom to the ancient ways; we will bring peace to these troubled days” – Lisa Dancing – Light


(My dad and uncle doing what they do best)

This morning I woke up with a song on repeat in my mind. It got louder as I was making my cup of tea so I stopped and felt that there was perhaps a message that I needed to receive. There was one line in particular that resonated on a higher frequency “we hold the wisdom to the ancient ways; we will bring peace to these troubled days” [1] It got me feeling to a few days ago when my dad and uncle helped me do some maintenance around my house. In particular there was some trees that needed attention and they simply just got into it (as they do).

They have never received formal teaching, yet their knowledge of the land and the gardens that they cultivate is inspiring. The connection that they have to their land is admirable and so is their fitness level! I had such an invigorating morning being guided what to do. The natural flow of their work although infused with some disagreements about how it needed to proceed was completed in a few short hours. What I admired most was how it easily it came to them and I couldn’t help but feel a somewhat longing about the way they lived. It wasn’t a feeling that was new to me but it felt stronger and more alive in my being.

So, when I tuned into to the song that was on repeat in my mind this morning it was the line “we hold the wisdom to the ancient ways, we will bring peace to these troubled days” that perpetuated me to know that it was more than just a song and in fact a message for my higher self. I asked myself how can I do better when it comes to the earth that we live on? How can I continue to learn from the greatest teachers and wisdom that I literally have before me?

We live in a time and place where disconnection to self seems to be more often than not and connection and community feels somewhat disjointed. As a collective we have endured a lot of dissonance especially over the last few years. So how do we do better? I know that my why is to anchor my light and being deeply to the earth so that I can allow the love of the universe to work through me. Trust me I am not all love and light every hour of every day but what I do know it that being connected to nature is the only way. Listen to the nudges and the whispers of your soul for our highest self always knows the way. I am super grateful that the song played as I awoke as it was the perfect reminder. We simply have come to earth to remember who we truly are and to hold Mother Earth in deep reverence in all that she serves.


With a splash of Mermaid Magic and always let your heart lead the way.

Fairy wishes




[1] https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=l_Y1dHQtQxg

18. The simplicity of humanity can create magic – Sonia Muraca


I have just spent the last two days at a conference for Indigenous Health in Remote and Rural areas. I would have liked to have walked away from it feeling inspired and connected to the work that I do. It has in fact done the contrary. I am left feeling this way because of the system we seem to be working from. For the most part there are inadequacies and injustices that still occur in a country where there is so much abundance. I have worked in the community sector for pretty much my whole working life. For the last 20 or so years I have lived and breathed the community sector in various positions. My passion for social justice led me to the sector and one of the main reasons why I have remained in it for so long. As much as I love my job and the work that I do there is so much that doesn’t sit well with me.

My main purpose of writing my blog is to remind myself to live with a compassionate heart even on the days that I don’t want to. Right now is one of those days. Running away and living in a tree on a tropical island feels like a far more sensible choice than remaining in a system that seems to have little or no movement. As I sit on a train on my commute home I look around and see a disconnected world where humans are either on their devices or sleeping. I am no different as I am typing this with a laptop on my knee (quite possibly annoying the guy next to me with my loud typing). I know the way in which is I view the world is simply a reflection of me.

As I process and feel what I have heard for the last two days the words that I remember the most are;  brother, sister, aunty, relationships, creator, spirit, soul. These words, when I feel into them have meaning and I can once again connect to purpose. I recognise that it isn’t an easy process as my thoughts sway from “the system is f&*T” to “we are all connected, we are all one”.

As I lean more into my heart space, the guy next to me tells me to be careful as there is coffee on the floor next to me. Alas connection! Just like that. As soon as I feel into my heart space there is the magic of connection and humanity right before my eyes. So do I still want to give it all up and run away? Some days and moments most certainly yes! But for now there is reason to create change and influence in the work that we do. Is it always easy? No. Is it always fun? No. Is it always worth it? Yes. Social Justice especially for those who don’t have a voice is a huge inspiration for me. What I do know is that there is so much to do. The most important is always about connection to self and others. The simplicity of humanity can create magic. Thank you to the beautiful man on the train that reminded me when I needed to know it the most. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day





9. Everyone Matters.



I have woken really early this morning and can’t help but think about the murder of a 13 month old girl. Two separate friends told me about it yesterday and I just wasn’t ready to hear it. It is literally down the road and clearly has had some affect if it is want I am thinking about at 5:00am in the morning.  When a mother decides to take the life of their own child there has to be something seriously wrong. I had a read about what had occurred and the mother was taken to a local police station where she was not able to be interviewed due to her psychiatric illness. The devastation fell upon my heart as I guessed that this is what may have happened. So much sadness not only for the precious cherub that was murdered by her own mother but for a woman who was so unwell that this is what she succumbed to.

Yesterday morning I woke up to read the final chapters of my book. It was predominantly about my cousin Cathy who took her own life over 2 years ago. I still can’t comprehend at times that she has gone and that this was her fate that took place. It is in fact very true and still quite raw. I try really hard not focus on the heaviness that surrounds this situation, rather it allows me to be more determined to create change, to do more and to absolutely finish the final moments of my book about suicide awareness and prevention. Every 3 hours somebody in Australia chooses to take their own life. So by the time you have woken up for the day at least 2 or 3 people would have died. Not sure about you but this statistic creates heaviness beyond what I can describe but a surge of determination to do more.

My own experience and history of mental health ultimately has led me to this one precious life that I am now leading. I am beyond grateful for the resilience, strength and courage that it has taught me.  So how does all this connect to a woman in Reservoir that murdered her 13 month old? For me the questions furiously circled my mind. How did this go unnoticed? What happened to her? Why was she driven to do what she did? She just didn’t wake up one morning and decide to kill her child? From what I have read there had also been 13 accounts of reported domestic violence. (Who know if this is true?) It doesn’t matter because it is all a story and drama. Let’s get to the core of humanity and why she couldn’t reach out before she got to that point? Why my cousin Cathy who has an extended family of 70+ people but still felt that this was her only choice. These are the issues that are important to me and one that we all have a moral obligation to create a world that is safe. It is not OK that the life of this child is no longer but it feels worse not do anything about it. Everyone matters. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day


Sonia Muraca


69. This is a day of Divine inspiration for me.


I turned 41 a few days ago. I love my birthday and always look forward to celebrating and of course eating cake. This year I spent it with my family and fairies in the park. It was a beautiful sun shining day and I ever so grateful for all the abundance that is bestowed in my life. This year I have begun a new tradition for myself. I have started a gratitude jar. It will remind me to write a note each day about what I am grateful for. It will then become a gift that I will receive on my birthday next year. My birthday was less than 48hrs ago and there is so much to be grateful for. If there was ever a time that I believed in divine timing this is one of them. I received great news about work yesterday and was offered a position.  I am beside myself with excitement to say the least!

So as I sat to write my blog today I reflected on the last couple of days and how inspiring they have felt for me. This is all good and well because it was my birthday, I received a job offer, and I have been around my beautiful family and friends so why wouldn’t I be inspired? What comes up more and more for me lately especially during these last few months is how do I feel inspired especially when and if I am not feeling it. This can be such a “big” question! It would be super easy to write about how I can be inspiring when I am feeling awesome but how does one find their magic when life feels challenging.

There was a statistic that I heard a few weeks ago and it continues to filter through my mind. Every 3.5 hours an Australian chooses to take their life. A statistic that sends shudders down my spine and one that I know puts a fire in my belly about changing the outcome of such a debilitating number. Don’t get me wrong I am all for positive affirmations and thoughts but when somebody is so enmeshed in their darkness how does inspiration become a part of their day when they can barely have a shower.

At the time of my own depression I did not have the awareness or the insight that I do now. What life teaches me is to pull together all the tools that I have accumulated along the way and do what works best for me at the time. What I do know is that if I am not connected to my heart space and live in my head then the potential to cascade into a plethora of darkness and doom can prevail. Depression is not wrong it is simply a place where we can learn, grow and tap into potential strength and courage that we may not have known existed.

For me Mother Nature would have to be one of the greatest gifts that I am able to receive. It is known that only 10 minutes of walking each day is the equivalent to an anti-depressant. I am not a medical expert and can only speak from experience. One of the first things I will do when I am in my head is to go for a walk and be in gratitude and admiration for the simple blessings that I am surrounded by. For me this is what shifts my energy and where I can be inspired by the force of nature. I don’t have answers for others; I am a believer that each person finds their own light in their own unique way. There is so much that I can write about this topic but for now it is about each step along the way is just as important as the desired outcome. Focus on how you want to feel each day and do what makes your heart sing, for when you are in your heart space you can be nothing but inspirational. This is a day of Divine inspiration for me. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




55. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be.


I really have to have a giggle at the way the affirmations and my life seem to entwine at times. I am having a laugh because today I went for an interview for a job that I have already applied for but didn’t get. Anyway the same position has come up a few months later and today was the interview (again). Thanks universe (insert sarcasm here) I love your lessons. There have been so many lessons involved in the last few months that have been affiliated with my job seeking endeavours. The most profound has been about me really appreciating and understanding my value and success.

What I have been able to really honour are the redirections. I no longer believe in the word “rejection” and whether it has been personally or professionally the “redirections” that have happened have led me to this place right now. Throughout this process I have learnt so much! Most importantly I am no longer fretting about my next step, where to from here and my energy is present and focussed.  I have learnt to be more gentle and loving towards myself and I love the prospects that are being offered to me. Most importantly I trust myself to know what is right for me and that I can totally be as successful as I make my mind up to be.

There is a quote that I have referred to a few times in my blog. It is one worth mentioning again. It was read by a man that I admire, respect and honour so very much, Nelson Mandela and written by a beautiful author Marianne Williamson. It reads. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most” I always revisit this speech when I feel and especially love these lines. They are so simple yet so profound. I purchased myself a little notebook on the weekend. The front cover read, One moment can change a day One day can change a life One life can change a world.  I looked at it and thought “nice” and put it back down and then I thought “hang on a minute I can be that person”. So when I talk about the process of being redirected it is in the learning that has been the most valuable.

I have learnt to value the most important relationship and that is the oneI have with myself. The last few weeks have been scattered, flat and everything else in between. The ride is never ending and it is about how we choose to manoeuvre our way through life that is the most revealing and successful of all. I won’t say that I have it all worked out, I really believe we are always learning and expanding or else life would just be boring and the same. It is all the stuff in between that is the most precious of all. So wherever life takes me for now I know that I am not afraid to allow my light to shine. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




I really have to have a giggle at the way the affirmations and my life seem to entwine at times. I am having a laugh because today I went for an interview for a job that I have already applied for but didn’t get. Anyway the same position has come up a few months later and today was the interview (again). Thanks universe (insert sarcasm here) I love your lessons. There have been so many lessons involved in the last few months that have been affiliated with my job seeking endeavours. The most profound has been about me really appreciating and understanding my value and success.

What I have been able to really honour are the redirections. I no longer believe in the word “rejection” and whether it has been personally or professionally the “redirections” that have happened have led me to this place right now. Throughout this process I have learnt so much! Most importantly I am no longer fretting about my next step, where to from here and my energy is present and focussed.  I have learnt to be more gentle and loving towards myself and I love the prospects that are being offered to me. Most importantly I trust myself to know what is right for me and that I can totally be as successful as I make my mind up to be.

There is a quote that I have referred to a few times in my blog. It is one worth mentioning again. It was read by a man that I admire, respect and honour so very much, Nelson Mandela and written by a beautiful author Marianne Williamson. It reads. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most” I always revisit this speech when I feel and especially love these lines. They are so simple yet so profound. I purchased myself a little notebook on the weekend. The front cover read, One moment can change a day One day can change a life One life can change a world.  I looked at it and thought “nice” and put it back down and then I thought “hang on a minute I can be that person”. So when I talk about the process of being redirected it is in the learning that has been the most valuable.

I have learnt to value the most important relationship and that is the oneI have with myself. The last few weeks have been scattered, flat and everything else in between. The ride is never ending and it is about how we choose to manoeuvre our way through life that is the most revealing and successful of all. I won’t say that I have it all worked out, I really believe we are always learning and expanding or else life would just be boring and the same. It is all the stuff in between that is the most precious of all. So wherever life takes me for now I know that I am not afraid to allow my light to shine. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


