20. Within you is the kingdom of serenity, which can create all the prosperity that you could ever want.



I have been in Cambodia for the last 10 or so days, Cambodia is also affectionately known as the Kingdom of Wonder. It is a country that I have grown to love and admire for so many reasons and one in which I continue to explore each time I visit. On the eve of my 42nd birthday I have some “down” time to reflect on the wonder and serenity and all that it encapsulates. Part of my role in Cambodia is to co-facilitate groups of volunteers with Head Heart and Hand Holidays. http://www.headheartandhandholidays.com.au/. The 2nd group of volunteers arrived yesterday and for most of the days I am in action and logistics mode, so to fall into my heart and write feels like home.

I love what I do here for so many reasons and to put it into words perhaps wouldn’t do it any justice. The feeling associated with a country that allows me to truly envelop all that I am is beyond anything that I could have possibly ever imagined. There is so much growth and depth beyond the surface of what is.  This is now the 5th time that I have travelled to Cambodia in the last 3 years. For some time each time I visited Cambodia all I wanted to do was come straight back. The simplicity and gratitude that I received was all the prosperity that I could ever want. Peace, love and freedom are the true gifts that I have been able to unwrap no matter where I am in the world and for this Cambodia I am so enriched because of you.

Sometimes in life we seem to be searching outside of ourselves to make us feel happier or complete. Instead the gifts of what we truly acquire are nestled within us and finding them is where the magic truly happens. I no longer feel that I have to run to Cambodia to make me happy or complete. Nobody or anything can do that for you and believing that it will can only set you up to fail. It changed my perspective of life and how I choose to live it now. One of our volunteers today reminded me with her words. “We are only here for such a short time, I choose to say yes and then work out the details or whatever later” It was a gentle yet swift reminder as I close the last day before I turn 42. So the greatest gift I can give myself is a kingdom of serenity and one in which is filled with peace love and freedom and of course some cheeky fairy fun! It’s ironic that a country that is considered to 3rd world is so abundant with gifts that can only be felt, for this is the greatest gift that we can truly give ourselves. Be raw, be vulnerable and be you. Withinyou is the kingdom of serenity, which can create all the prosperity that you could ever want. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




6. The essence of greatness is the ability to choose personal fulfilment in circumstances where others choose madness.


I caught the train into the city this morning for a work meeting. I had a book in my back pack and was looking forward to a change of scenery. As I got comfortable I realised that the guy sitting next to me was talking on his telephone. At this point it was the occasional yes\no and before long I knew that he played soccer, what he had done on the weekend and his mum had also been to Tasmania. I was only half way through my trip when another guy stood next to me. His phone rang and before long I knew he had the flu, was in bed all weekend and would love to catch up with whoever he was talking to on the phone. My head was screaming “Faaaaaaaaark! Really do you have to talk on the train and so loud?” I was tired grumpy. Instead of being in the moment of personal fulfilment I choose madness and I easily could have told either of them to just shut up!

I am generally pretty in touch with where I am at and personal fulfilment is pretty much the most logical and peaceful choice. Yet time and time again we tend to get involved in the story and drama of situations. This is something that I especially notice when there has been an injustice served. Yes it is appalling, yes it isn’t fair but what intrigues me about humans is the amount of energy that is consumed in creating more harm. I often scroll right down at people’s comments about the way that they see the world. Only if there was a deeper understanding that the world we see is simply a reflection.  The amount of effort that it takes to write a status\word, whatever it may be about how crappy the world is just adding to the rest of the disservice that is already there.  Once upon a time I would challenge these notions now I have a much more solid understanding that it is not my job to do so. If another chooses to learn then the teacher will appear.

It is far easier to choose madness and jump on the drama train rather than to actually do something about it.  It doesn’t mean that the act that had been served is one that is justified but adding to the madness does not heal nor does it create a better universe for us to live in. It only exacerbates and more shitty energy is transmitted. It doesn’t mean we have to be happy clappy and walk around with a daisy chain. Be mindful of your thoughts, take note of your actions and notice if they are coming from  a place of love?

I am not here to preach to let you know that this is what I do ALL the time, instead far from it. What I do know is that there is an awareness of where I am at and I make a decision to show up and be me every single day. Some days you will get a shinier version than others but it will always be authentic. I choose personal fulfilment. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

HUGE love


Sonia xoxox


download (9)


I tossed and turned about which affirmation calendar to write from today.  I was possibly avoiding the one that I am writing about as it is a topic that I have struggled with for many years. One that constantly needs reaffirming and re connecting with. How grand life would be if we were simply taught how to love ourselves. Instead we are labelled and have a constant disposition to compare ourselves to others. We can often be our own worst critic and it sucks. I’ve just turned 41 and it took me a really long time to accept my inner goddess and beauty.

Ex partners didn’t necessarily help the cause either. I could sit and blame them for all the inappropriate things that were ever said but that would say more about me than it would them. I stayed in unloving relationships because I simply didn’t love myself enough to walk away. The lessons have been harsh and some have taken me years to unpack and really learn. It sometimes takes me a while.

It was only the other night when I was with a friend, in a public toilet where we decided to have a conversation about beauty. I am sure I looked super attractive in the wee hours of Sunday morning after having had a significant amount of white wine. I am super convinced we would have sounded really rational and coherent (not). My point is that even after all this time stuff still comes up about beauty. I know I am a compassionate, kind and loving person but I was never taught to feel beautiful. I was never called beautiful so when I hear it now I find it difficult to allow myself to hear it. After so many white wines, my beautiful girlfriend allowed me to feel into the crap that I had been burying. Ok so the scene may not have been the most eloquent but you know what, it worked.

So it has taken me such a long time to realise and understand what it means to be beautiful. It is not necessarily about being “pretty”. Anyone can be pretty, instead for me it is about recognising boundaries. Treating myself with kindness and compassion first and foremost, being of service to humanity. It is about not having to adhere or accept untoward actions of another. It is to know that it is not my responsibility but instead theirs to accept their own journey and fate.

So when I sit and write about the affirmation “You are beautiful” there is so much more that what we see, most importantly it is what we feel. It is not just teaching young women to feel beautiful but for all of humanity to feel beautiful within themselves.  Imagine a world where this was possible. If we all felt and lived through beauty what a wonderful world it would be. You are beautiful. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

HUGE love



To “Let go” is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future.


When I sat down today to write my blog I hadn’t quite expected what was going to come up. Life has a funny way of revealing itself to you at the most opportune and serendipitous moments. As I read the affirmation today I can recall past conversations especially about my last relationship. I can hear myself saying “I regret convincing myself that I didn’t want to have children” when deep down I discovered I would have welcomed being a mum with open arms. I have caught myself saying “ I regret not loving myself enough to leave a relationship that was not in alignment with who I was” A lot of bloody regret right there I reckon and judging by the way my stomach is churning whilst I am writing, I am gathering it doesn’t do a whole lot for your cellular body either.

When I go into my heart space it simply makes me feel sad and justifiably so. This has been an issue that with time and healing is one that has unmistakably allowed me to grow in so many other areas of my life. What I have come to terms with is that I may not be a biological mum in this time and whatever will be simply will. In the process I love and embrace my role as Zia to my kooky, inspiring, compassionate and amazing nephews and nieces.

So for me now it is all about perception and truly not feeling regret for past decisions. Even as I type the word regret the vibration feels shitty and dull. Instead what I opt is to fully embrace the lessons and amazing experiences that I have been able to delve into because of a relationship that did not serve me.

Whether or not I am a biological mum in this lifetime is irrelevant, rather for me it is about the love that I am able to share with others is most prevalent. I have worked in child protection over my community services career. There have been plenty of children who are born to parents who simply through lack of love of self cannot love another and this is truly sad. I know now through the learning of relationships that didn’t serve me I have a lot of love to give. So how can I have regret when I have learnt to love without conditions?

Whilst this one has been a tough and sad lesson for me that I am embracing the silver lining. It is about teaching and inspiring others to fully feel into their heart space and to be in relationships where love is unconditional. For unconditional love is the purest love of all and once you have discovered that love for yourself you are only able to attract the same. To “Let go” is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future. Blessed be and so it is so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

HUGE love




70. In the infinity of Life where I am, all is perfect whole and complete.


In life at times it seems that we always seem to be striving to something. When “this” happens we will do “that” or when we have that house, car, whatever life will be good. We tend to work on the exterior and superficial stuff more than we do our inner selves forgetting that we are the precious asset of all. Loving self and recognising that we are imperfectly perfect can be one of the toughest lessons that I have had to learn. There are times where I still treat myself harshly but the difference these days is that I recognise it.

How do we recognise when life is whole perfect and complete. For me it is about accepting each moment as imperfectly perfect no matter what the situation or outcome. As humans we make things right and wrong, we judge, berate and condemn ourselves and others, not the most loving way to live. What I have truly learnt in this lifetime is that my world is simply a reflection of what is going on for me. So rather than blame everything else I step back, take personal responsibility and understand that the pain, grief, sadness is perfect whole and complete. What it then does is allow the situation to be transformed into a life lesson where we can grow and learn.

For the last few months life for me has been chaotic, felt stressful at times and required a sense of faith and trust that I had not quite yet explored. I didn’t sit back with a daisy chain around my head wearing a peace sign (as much as I would have loved to) instead I learnt a lot of life’s lessons. I can now reflect and get that no matter where I am it is perfect and whole. It certainly didn’t feel like it at the time because as much as I wanted to be chilled out and cool I had an stirring restlessness about not feeling “good enough”, “incapable”, “rejected” as I was not getting work in the areas that I truly desired. So instead of loving myself as much as I perhaps would have liked to, I judged and condemned. Not a great move as I spent most of the time with flat energy and no desire to be around people.  Gotta love those lessons!

So today is an awesome reminder that where I am is exactly where I am meant to be. I know the universe orchestrates its synchronicity beautifully even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. Life is infinite and we are certainly here on earth for a short time. Why we make it so hard on ourselves is something that I can never quite understand? I certainly feel that the more we learn to love ourselves and embrace ALL of who we are the easier the lessons become. Our lessons are our life’s instruments to create the music to soothe our soul. Sometimes we need a friendly shove from the universe to remind us that we are imperfectly perfect just the way we are. In the infinity of Life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

HUGE love



55. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be.


I really have to have a giggle at the way the affirmations and my life seem to entwine at times. I am having a laugh because today I went for an interview for a job that I have already applied for but didn’t get. Anyway the same position has come up a few months later and today was the interview (again). Thanks universe (insert sarcasm here) I love your lessons. There have been so many lessons involved in the last few months that have been affiliated with my job seeking endeavours. The most profound has been about me really appreciating and understanding my value and success.

What I have been able to really honour are the redirections. I no longer believe in the word “rejection” and whether it has been personally or professionally the “redirections” that have happened have led me to this place right now. Throughout this process I have learnt so much! Most importantly I am no longer fretting about my next step, where to from here and my energy is present and focussed.  I have learnt to be more gentle and loving towards myself and I love the prospects that are being offered to me. Most importantly I trust myself to know what is right for me and that I can totally be as successful as I make my mind up to be.

There is a quote that I have referred to a few times in my blog. It is one worth mentioning again. It was read by a man that I admire, respect and honour so very much, Nelson Mandela and written by a beautiful author Marianne Williamson. It reads. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most” I always revisit this speech when I feel and especially love these lines. They are so simple yet so profound. I purchased myself a little notebook on the weekend. The front cover read, One moment can change a day One day can change a life One life can change a world.  I looked at it and thought “nice” and put it back down and then I thought “hang on a minute I can be that person”. So when I talk about the process of being redirected it is in the learning that has been the most valuable.

I have learnt to value the most important relationship and that is the oneI have with myself. The last few weeks have been scattered, flat and everything else in between. The ride is never ending and it is about how we choose to manoeuvre our way through life that is the most revealing and successful of all. I won’t say that I have it all worked out, I really believe we are always learning and expanding or else life would just be boring and the same. It is all the stuff in between that is the most precious of all. So wherever life takes me for now I know that I am not afraid to allow my light to shine. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




I really have to have a giggle at the way the affirmations and my life seem to entwine at times. I am having a laugh because today I went for an interview for a job that I have already applied for but didn’t get. Anyway the same position has come up a few months later and today was the interview (again). Thanks universe (insert sarcasm here) I love your lessons. There have been so many lessons involved in the last few months that have been affiliated with my job seeking endeavours. The most profound has been about me really appreciating and understanding my value and success.

What I have been able to really honour are the redirections. I no longer believe in the word “rejection” and whether it has been personally or professionally the “redirections” that have happened have led me to this place right now. Throughout this process I have learnt so much! Most importantly I am no longer fretting about my next step, where to from here and my energy is present and focussed.  I have learnt to be more gentle and loving towards myself and I love the prospects that are being offered to me. Most importantly I trust myself to know what is right for me and that I can totally be as successful as I make my mind up to be.

There is a quote that I have referred to a few times in my blog. It is one worth mentioning again. It was read by a man that I admire, respect and honour so very much, Nelson Mandela and written by a beautiful author Marianne Williamson. It reads. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us the most” I always revisit this speech when I feel and especially love these lines. They are so simple yet so profound. I purchased myself a little notebook on the weekend. The front cover read, One moment can change a day One day can change a life One life can change a world.  I looked at it and thought “nice” and put it back down and then I thought “hang on a minute I can be that person”. So when I talk about the process of being redirected it is in the learning that has been the most valuable.

I have learnt to value the most important relationship and that is the oneI have with myself. The last few weeks have been scattered, flat and everything else in between. The ride is never ending and it is about how we choose to manoeuvre our way through life that is the most revealing and successful of all. I won’t say that I have it all worked out, I really believe we are always learning and expanding or else life would just be boring and the same. It is all the stuff in between that is the most precious of all. So wherever life takes me for now I know that I am not afraid to allow my light to shine. I earn an excellent income doing what satisfies me. I know I can be as successful as I make my mind up to be. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere.


The last few days have been somewhat revealing and I love the way that the lessons unveil. I had a healing a few days ago and what came up for me was to acknowledge the way in which I felt about various things in life. It was predominantly the “stuff” that was making me feel anxious or unsettled for whatever reason. What I was doing as “stuff” was coming up for me was to dismiss and disregard the “feeling”. I would feel it come up and then tell myself “to stop being ridiculous” or to just “snap out of it” and shove it back down again. By doing this I wasn’t acknowledging what was going on for me nor was I taking the power away from the negativity. Instead I was fuelling it. What was important for me to understand and recognise was what was actually going on.

This morning I was reading a book and a paragraph stood out for me like a big fat lightbulb aha moment. The funny or not so funny thing about it is that for whatever reason I decided to bring this book away with me. It is a book that was given to me by a dear friend about a month ago and I had only managed to read a couple of pages. So as I sat this morning and kept reading from where I had left off I knew exactly why I was reading it at this exact time. It is known that your soul truly knows what it is that you require at any point in your life so I was grateful that I had chosen to bring this particular book away with me. It was the perfect message at the most opportune time. It read “You have to learn to love the negative; you have to welcome it, because when you can see it you can take the power of out if it. You can let it go.”[i]

So in less than a week I had received the same message twice from two separate sources. I know it is an important lesson for me to learn and I have caught myself in my thought patterns. So instead of dismissing what I am feeling I am learning to console myself and speak to my inner self as I would anyone who was feeling this way, gentle and loving. I have found that it pacifies the feeling and no longer has the same fear\anxiousness attached to it. What I also tell myself is the outcome of whatever it is I am feeling and how I desire it to look\feel.  I must admit I do giggle at myself when I am having internal conversations but at least I am not shoving my emotions down for them only to turn up later on. So as I reflect on the affirmation for today I can find such beauty in the negativity of my emotions as they are teaching me to love myself on another level that I have not yet known and for this I am grateful. I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere. Blessed be and it is so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With huge LOVE




[i] The Magicians Way by William Whitecloud

I love myself exactly the way I am. I am good enough!


Here we go the good old lesson of loving self. I looked at the affirmation for today and thought “I am really not in the mood to write about loving myself. As I reflected I realised that it was most probably the best thing that I can do.  I am tired and a little grumpy today. I can’t say that I am in a bad mood but possibly not the chirpiest to be around. But you know what I am good enough! It is not about striving to be better it is about accepting that where I am right now .

Right now in Melbourne it is in the middle of winter. I am trying really hard to appreciate all of our glorious seasons but there are times when the cold just doesn’t cut it for me and I want to hibernate like a bear. In fact there are things about being a bear that I find quite appealing. I would be totally happy to let ALL the hairs on my body just grow and I could just lie, sit, eat, sleep and do whatever really. It is perfectly OK to feel any way we choose as long as we don’t unpack and stay there. So for now if feeling like a bear appeals as much to you as it does to me feel it and embrace it. For me this is what it means to love myself exactly the way I am.

Too often in life we consider that the only times that we are lovable is when we feel happy or our lives are filled with joy. Instead for me it is about finding the balance about what life is offering you and to find the gift of the moments and experiences that are offered. Sometimes the gifts are found in the most inopportune ways and you simply sit back and appreciate it for exactly what it is.

I am happily single and happily looking for the perfect life partner. What I do know is that in order for the universe to deliver me the perfect relationship I have to love and embrace all parts of me, even the grumpy and hairy ones. Ok the hairy part may not be so appealing even to me but none the less I still love and accept me exactly the way I am. Too often I hear people complain about their relationship and what the other person is doing or not doing. Little do we sometimes realise that it is what we lack in ourselves that is simply being mirrored to us. I know for me personal responsibility is a huge part of my life and it is something that I value deeply. It doesn’t mean that you never do anything that is out of place rather you are willing to learn and grow from what is being presented. So I can sit here and be like a bear for the night (which is exactly what I plan to do) but personal responsibility prevails and tomorrow is a brand new day. For now I love the grumpy bear within me and I am perfect just the way I am. I love myself exactly the way I am. I am good enough! Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


With Love



I am mentally and emotionally equipped to enjoy a loving prosperous life.


I have forced myself to write today as I know that this is the best therapy for me and also a  sure way that I am able to get out of my head and into my heart space. Writing keeps me real. It is ironic that the affirmation for today is about being mentally and emotionally equipped because right now I feel vulnerable and somewhat fragile. I can’t quite pinpoint what it is and nor do I have to define it. Rather what I can do is just feel what is.

It has been just over a week since I have returned from Cambodia and I always find that there is certainly an adjustment period. It takes me time to align to the world that I am so fortunate to live in. It is a time that I am certainly able to reflect and feel into the next stage and chapter of my life. There are times in my return where I feel melancholy and I have just learnt that this is what I need to feel into. From the pits of sadness great things happen.

Funnily enough I went to see a movie last night called “Inside Out”. One of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Although it is a children’s movie the message was universal and so relevant. Too often in life we have this expectation on how we are meant to feel. When stuff doesn’t quite go the way is expected we don’t quite know what to do with it and then become afraid or uneasy about what is going on for us.  For me the movie that I watched last night was such an affirmation about honouring ALL feelings. Most importantly it was able to remind me that without sadness happiness cannot exist. So in sadness greatness does exist. For without one the other cannot be. So instead of looking at sadness as something that we need to overcome it is about finding the silver lining within the experience.

Right now I could not be more thankful my years of depression as they have taught me so many aspects of self that without it I would not have known even existed. The courage, strength and resilience that I have been able to recognise within myself have been amongst the greatest gifts that I have received. It certainly may not have felt like it at the time but I know now that is the greatest gift of all.

I truly believe that sadness exists because it has to. I am not saying that living a depressed life is necessary but rather when and if we do find ourselves in this situation it is such a dynamic opportunity to delve in and see what it is that we need to find within ourselves. To connect to our truth and our heart space, to listen to our most important organ, our heart. For our heart never lies. I am mentally and emotionally equipped to enjoy a loving prosperous life. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



43. I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me.


Thank you for the affirmation for today universe! As I sit here on a precious autumn morning at my favourite local café I feel immense gratitude for the reminders about why life is so precious. I recognise to not get caught up in drama, especially after having received a text at 7:15am. I release all expectations especially by those by who I may have felt disappointment, resentment or bitterness. I am reminded to be compassionate and kind as much as I want to have a “dig” and respond in a way that will only create a story and drama. It doesn’t mean that I do not have to feel what is going on but it is about accepting responsibility and understanding that we are all the same and that we all have played a part to get to where we are right now. So for now I send compassion and love to the situation. I trust that when the timing is aligned the lessons will be revealed and the journey will continue whichever the way it is intended for the greater good of all involved.

What today further affirms for is to truly believe and understand that life will always take care of me. Right now I am in the midst of jobs and the next leap of faith that I am about to embark on right now is unknown. I am reminded to let go of ALL expectations that are associated with this and to trust and fully feel that the universe has totes got my back. That doesn’t mean that I just sit back and wait for it to happen. There are action steps that I am required to pursue and I need to be really clear about what it is that I desire. To trust and know that when we are living our truth and are our authentic selves then the universe will always weave its magic and lead us to where we are meant to be.

The last few weeks especially, my energy has been scattered and I have not been in the moment. I have been contemplating with some worry about where to from here. The few “redirections” that I have received have certainly tested my trust and faith in knowing that I am always taken care of and that where I am is exactly where I am meant to be. I understand that if a door hasn’t opened it is simply because it wasn’t the right one for me. My higher self understands this totally but there are times when my beloved ego comes in to play and convinces me otherwise. Ego pushes us to peel away more layers and allows us to become more vulnerable. With our vulnerability also comes our strength and courage to be the magnificent beings that we were born to be. I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day,


With love
