65. I am open to new things. I keep my mind active and alive by exploring new frontiers. Such discovery keeps me mentally strong.


There is a saying that I particularly love “If you have always do what you have always done, you will always get what you always got”. For me today the affirmation is a reminder that I am completely where I am meant to be even if it has been totally out of my comfort zone.  I love to learn and in life when we are not in flow it is certainly time to just stop, reflect and explore new avenues and possibilities.

An aspect that keeps coming up for me and one that I continue to learn and explore is our own shadow, that we are the creator of our own story and what has been presented to us. For me this has been one of the most liberating ways to take on situations and to find a new freedom in which I am able to deal with situations and people.  Stubbornness, hanging onto stuff and the need to be right are parts of my life that are of lower vibration for me. For me it is far more beneficial to take personal responsibility for what has occurred and an opportunity to do things differently. It is so easy to blame and to think that you have been wrong done by another. To actually take a step back and reflect why that situation was presented to you to begin with is such an act of freedom and is truly healing.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am human and I don’t sit cross legged and hum “om” when shit goes down. In fact I can at times be a complete raving lunatic and I am happy to own it. On the flipside I know that I am also a kind, huge hearted and compassionate being. This is the beauty of our shadows and as they come up so we can address them and flip them around.  So when I reflect on my blog and the reason I write for myself and others it is also about having an open heart and to come from a place of compassion.  I am ALWAYS open to new things especially when life isn’t flowing with ease and grace.  I have had road blocks and have not had the outcomes that I had perceived. It’s taken me a bit to get to this place and not something that I have done on my own. Having a tribe around you that feels and knows you well enough when you are not ok is a gift that is truly priceless and where unconditional love truly resonates.

So right now I am brainstorming and checking out new areas of life that put a fire in my belly. I am exploring opportunities that I had not considered previously and my outlook feels fresh and exciting. What felt like panic and anxiety, I now feel a sense of relief and passion that everything is possible and the universe is filled with infinite possibilities and potential. The process has been interesting and took a whole lot of digging and knowing that there is so much strength to be gained when we expose our vulnerabilities. I am open to new things. I keep my mind active and alive by exploring new frontiers. Such discovery keeps me mentally strong.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With HUGE love




64. Loving myself gives me the extra energy to work through any problem more quickly. My life is a labour of love.


Loving ourselves, the lesson that comes up time and time again and just when I think I got it, something else comes up for me. That doesn’t mean that there is failure, it simply means that we are a work in progress and each step is towards our infinite potential and possibilities that expand each time. I went to bed last night with a bit of a cold. I woke at 2:00am this morning and felt like I had blades in my throat. More than anything I was annoyed that I was sick, again!

So when I looked at the affirmation today I was still annoyed as clearly the amount of times that I have been sick this year indicates that I do not love myself enough to be well. It is not even about drinking or consuming things that are healthy for us instead emotionally I know that my thoughts have not always been loving and gentle. In the last 6 or so months I have had a cold eat at least once a month and I know it is because of the way I have been dealing with my emotions or rather the way I haven’t been. There has been a lot of grief but amongst it there have been lots of lessons that I have learnt.

The gifts of grief and sadness is really learning and feeling the value of the life in which we live and how important each moment matters. As I sit at my computer with a very snotty nose and congested head the last thing I feel like doing is writing about the loving energy that I have for myself.  What I do know it is these moments that are about digging deep, finding the lessons and really learning from them. If we are not learning to love the glorious mess that we are then we are not truly living.

I just spoke to my dear cousin and we had a laugh in the most loving way about why I was sick yet again. I flicked through my health bible and read about colds – the words that stood out were “too much pressure to perform, scattered, refusing to listen to your body” Yup, Yup & Yup! What resonated most was my scattered energy and not being in the moment of life. Thinking, worrying too much and the irony is that I know all too well the detriment that it can cause. What I won’t do to myself is berate or judge my thoughts, feelings and instead I am sending them love. Of late my energy and direction was being consumed on stuff that does not serve my highest purpose. More importantly I am not entirely in the path of my purpose and being of service which is what is most important to me. Being stuck in your head space is crap and does not allow life to flow with grace and ease. So as much as I didn’t want to write I know that it has been a lovely lesson to just STOP with the scattered energy and be in the moment of now. To live life with a fierce loving open heart and not get caught up in the story in which I have created. Loving myself gives me the extra energy to work through any problem more quickly. My life is a labour of love.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With HUGE love,



62. Today I am willing to release the need to be right.


What does being right actually mean? I know for me when I am not in my heart space the “need” to be or feel right can be at the forefront of my mind. This is when I know that I need to take a step back and actually take in what is going on for me. Far out it is super easy to blame our lives on circumstances, the government, work, family or whatever really. It requires strength, vulnerability and a whole lot of courage to have an open heart and release the need to be right.

Of course there is a lesson for me in the affirmation today and instantly I recognised it as a gift. I felt even more compelled to live in my heart space which is truly the only way to an enlightened path with purpose. I was dealt an interesting set of cards today in regards to a particular situation. In my core I knew I was “right”. Naturally there was another side to the story and the responsibility shifted to another party.  What could have transpired was a cascading waterfall of “drama” but instead I surrendered the lesson to the universe and know that because of this situation my path can only be brighter. I could have sat for hours, days even, discussing and regurgitating the same crap. As I was walking and the situation unfolded I stopped in my tracks and simply surrendered. No more having to prove a point!

When we are not in the flow of where our lives are meant to be we are presented with blocks and as far as I am concerned there was huge block in my path today. I could have chosen to stand there to be “right” but instead I walked around it and continued on my path. A few minutes later it started raining and I initially I was annoyed that I was getting wet but I looked up and Mother Earth graced me with a rainbow! I could have missed the magic if I didn’t get out of my head and into my heart. It was magical and I felt my heart burst open with compassion, first and foremost for myself but for all that I was surrounded with no matter what circumstance it was bringing into my life.

Our world is simply a reflection of where we are at. If we are faced with turmoil and drama it is because it already exists within ourselves. The last 6 or so months have been mixed with turmoil and drama and hence it attracted itself to my life. It may not have been crystal clear at the time but right now I can see that the world in which I am living is a mirror of where I am at. Where I did not value myself, I was not valued by others. It would be easy to go into he\she did that but instead I choose the path of love and compassion. We always learn and I am so grateful right now for the gift of the lesson. It is giving me the opportunity to absolutely trust and surrender to the process of what my magical life has to offer. Today I am willing to release the need to be right. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






61. Events come and go, but my love for myself is constant. I refuse criticism and judgement. Instead, I choose to understand that, in truth, all is well.

1501504_706588132786089_3171576431961616966_o Loving self is one of the most gracious gifts that we can give ourselves. We can love ourselves is various ways and for me is an area of my life that I am always learning more about. Each lesson that is presented in life ultimately is a reflection of where we are at and the universe loves to show us what it is that we have to learn. Even if it is presented in the most frustrating of ways is it all there to teach us, to take responsibility and to discover and learn more about our heart space and unconditional love. I listened to a clip by Matt Kahn the other day. Matt Kahn is an awesome spiritual teacher that I resonate with on a soul level. The clip randomly came up on Youtube and it was about addictions.  When we think about addictions sometimes the first thing that comes to mind are substances etc. What I feel this is more prevalent right now are the addictions that don’t seem so obvious. The addiction of work, the addiction of drama and chaos often gets left unnoticed or what we may consider as “normal” It is these addictions that can often debilitate our self-worth and inevitably lead us to places of not living self. So when I listened to Matt Kahn and his message of addiction I came across a specific line that was most pertinent for me. He asked “Is this the most loving thing that you can do for yourself right now?” I have reflected on this especially in the last week and I must say it has worked in the most magnificent of ways! This particular question can be used in so many aspects of life as they present on an everyday basis. I know that especially in the last few days where I have felt frustrated or annoyed in regards to a particular situation I have asked myself the very question “Is this most loving thing I can do for myself right now?” Almost immediately I can feel a calmness in my body and my response is very different to what it could possibly be. Sometimes the internal dialogue that I have is far from peaceful and calm. What would have to be most pertinent about love for self is also recognising my worth. I feel that this is a huge lesson for me and one that continues to present itself. There are so many gifts that we are able to find during the times in which we perceive as being difficult or troublesome. What I am learning to embrace is the darkness as a time of nurture, rest and rejuvenation. It is important to not live in that space but to unravel the gifts and to take inspired action to live an authentic life of love filled with purpose and passion. Events come and go but my love for myself is constant. I refuse all criticism and judgement. Instead, I choose to understand that in truth, all is well. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste. With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day. With HUGE love Sonia xoxox

60. My current thought, the one I am thinking now, is totally under my control.


A few weeks ago a friend gave me a copy of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne on an audio book. I was chuffed because it meant that I had something to listen to in the car. I have been commuting to Geelong to go to work a few days a week. Funnily enough a few days prior to that I had been thinking that it would be great to have something constructive to listen to and then “bingo” there it was. As some of you may or may not know The Secret is a book about manifesting but particularly our thoughts and what we put out to the universe. So when I saw the affirmation for today I realised pretty quickly that there was a message in that for me.

Since the beginning of the year I have been dealing with grief. It doesn’t have to be or good it just is. What I have learnt about grief is that it doesn’t have to be something that we avoid and bury. Rather it is something that allows us to grow to a level that we did not know existed and to find the gifts within us and our everyday lives.

What was the realisation for me was the “phone calls” and the news that was received with each death and realising how much it had affected me. With two deaths in such a short amount of time the grief differs for each one and the magnitude and multitude of emotions that go with it range so diversely. What has affected me is that if I receive more than a missed call from one of my family members I go into anxiety believing that something “had happened”. It sounds ridiculous and dramatic but I have recognised that was what was going on for me especially after listening to The Secret. So in actual fact what I am doing is simply sending nervous and anxious energy into the universe and it is returning to me tenfold. What then exacerbates is everything else! So it them becomes a roller coaster of emotions when another aspect in my life may not be what it seems and I can spiral.

This really hit home for me last weekend so I stopped and mediated. Of course sitting on top of my CD player was a meditation about removing negative energy and I immediately felt in sync with the universe. What I do know is that I don’t have to dismiss what has been playing out in my mind but the fact that I have recognised it is a bonus. So being mindful and taking inspired action is what I did. I have no idea what the forecast is for me right now and practising patience and trusting is so important. I can choose to live in anxiety and allow life to scare me or I can honour what I am feeling, be gentle on myself, have an attitude of gratitude and work on myself day by day. For we only ever have this one moment so why not make each moment matter and every day a new beginning. My current thought, the one I am thinking now, is totally under my control. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere.


The last few days have been somewhat revealing and I love the way that the lessons unveil. I had a healing a few days ago and what came up for me was to acknowledge the way in which I felt about various things in life. It was predominantly the “stuff” that was making me feel anxious or unsettled for whatever reason. What I was doing as “stuff” was coming up for me was to dismiss and disregard the “feeling”. I would feel it come up and then tell myself “to stop being ridiculous” or to just “snap out of it” and shove it back down again. By doing this I wasn’t acknowledging what was going on for me nor was I taking the power away from the negativity. Instead I was fuelling it. What was important for me to understand and recognise was what was actually going on.

This morning I was reading a book and a paragraph stood out for me like a big fat lightbulb aha moment. The funny or not so funny thing about it is that for whatever reason I decided to bring this book away with me. It is a book that was given to me by a dear friend about a month ago and I had only managed to read a couple of pages. So as I sat this morning and kept reading from where I had left off I knew exactly why I was reading it at this exact time. It is known that your soul truly knows what it is that you require at any point in your life so I was grateful that I had chosen to bring this particular book away with me. It was the perfect message at the most opportune time. It read “You have to learn to love the negative; you have to welcome it, because when you can see it you can take the power of out if it. You can let it go.”[i]

So in less than a week I had received the same message twice from two separate sources. I know it is an important lesson for me to learn and I have caught myself in my thought patterns. So instead of dismissing what I am feeling I am learning to console myself and speak to my inner self as I would anyone who was feeling this way, gentle and loving. I have found that it pacifies the feeling and no longer has the same fear\anxiousness attached to it. What I also tell myself is the outcome of whatever it is I am feeling and how I desire it to look\feel.  I must admit I do giggle at myself when I am having internal conversations but at least I am not shoving my emotions down for them only to turn up later on. So as I reflect on the affirmation for today I can find such beauty in the negativity of my emotions as they are teaching me to love myself on another level that I have not yet known and for this I am grateful. I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere. Blessed be and it is so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With huge LOVE




[i] The Magicians Way by William Whitecloud

I am comfortable with my power at work. Because my power comes from my heart, it is always loving, gentle and just.


Wowsers this topic has come up so much from me in the last week that when I saw it as the affirmation for today I wanted to avoid it because quite frankly, I didn’t want to. But in true universe style I know that the lessons always come to me when I need to learn them for whatever reason. I know that there are no mistakes and when I don’t hear and learn from it is that I meant to the lesson will just keep presenting itself. Nearly every day in the last week my power and what I do has come up. For me it is about recognising my own talents and to trust that I am a powerful woman without cringing when I say it. To know and truly understand that true power does come from your heart.

For me today this affirmation feels very poignant for so many reasons. As I am writing the song that is on the radio is from Wilson Phillips – “Hold On”. The lyrics read;

“Why do you lock yourself up in these chains?

No one can change your life except for you

Don’t let anyone step all over you

Just open your heart and your mind

Is it really fair to feel this way inside?”


Oh the irony on how we receive messages some times. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that song over the years and never has it meant more to me than what it does right now.  I truly love the way the universe works and believe me it is very persistent and messages can be delivered to you in so many ways. Considering the amount of conversations that I have had about this very topic this week I know that it is an absolute confirmation about stepping into what I already know. It is about standing in my own power that is straight from the heart and is always loving, gentle and just. Right now I feel like getting that tattoo tattooed on my forehead so I can never ever forgot what it means to me. No more playing small, no more being so bloody afraid of my own power to step up and say yes to success.

It truly amazes me as humans just how much we like to complicate our own journey and path. The universe generally sets out a clear path for us to follow. Being the intricate and analytical beings that we sometimes tend to create these ginormous blocks. We then have to navigate our way around all the challenges we have just created for ourselves. Such a disservice and what a headF*&K! I guess as cliché as it sounds it is all a part of the journey but such a long and hard road we make it for ourselves. I get that we learn what we have to at the perfect time but if you are reading this right now and contemplating about stepping up, take it from me this is a sign to know that you are perfect just the way you are. This has been an awesome lesson for me and I am grateful for all it has taught me along the way, but really it did take a while for the penny to drop. For the angels that presented this week to teach me the lesson, thank you from my heart to yours.  I am comfortable with my power at work. Because my power comes from my heart, it is always loving, gentle and just. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With HUGE love



Just like the bright summer sun, I am a radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence.


Life presents us with many challenges; they can be good, bad or indifferent. It is the way that we deal with what life presents us with that makes the difference and how we choose to spend our lives. When I thought about what I was going to write about t today I reflected on what it meant for me. Right now for me it feels relatively easy to feel like a bright summer sun. I have just returned from a few weeks in Cambodia. I am home in Australia and have been filled up with so much love from my family and friends. I can connect to the affirmation and it would be easy peezzy to write about this from my perspective. Instead what I thought about was what it would be like right now for people who are not feeling like a ray of sunshine.

What has come up for me a lot lately is my own “story” of mental illness and how my own journey can help others. It feels like real life purpose stuff especially since my own cousin took her own life through suicide earlier this year. This is something that lives with me each and every day and turning this around is something that I am still working on for myself. What I do know is that while I was in Cambodia healing took place and one of the things that I was able to recognise is that a part of my purpose is to shed light and detach stigma from mental illness.

When you are in the depths of depression and the world that you are in is surrounded by darkness, there really is no point in telling somebody to affirm “I am a bright summer sun” You are likely to get a punch in the face or something of sorts. There is nothing more patronising than somebody telling you to think happy thoughts when you are in the depths of your darkness.

My personal journey about depression and psych admissions is recognising what got me to that place.  It is about how it has served me and ultimately also saving me. It is about recognising that I am not always a ray of FU*(N sunshine and sometimes I am like a thunderous lightning bolt. It is about appreciating that without darkness lightness cannot exist. It is in the depths of our darkness that true creativity and passion stirs. For if it is with that much determination that we are able to go inwards it is with the same strength and courage that we are able to turn this energy of darkness outwards and into the light.

So instead of this post being about others feeling safe and warm in my presence it is about acknowledging being who it is that you need to be at any given moment. To be proud and honour what it is that you are feeling. That it is Ok to feel whatever you want to feel and for those around you to be in that space of love and warmth. Ultimately it is about feeling safe to express, be vulnerable and just show up as you. Just like the bright summer sun, I am a radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

With HUG love



Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up.

Almost two years ago to the very date I sat in the same place that I am sitting right now. I am in Kuala Lumpur International Airport waiting for a connecting flight to Siem Reap Cambodia. A place that I travelled to as a participant of a . I remember at the time I almost didn’t go for a myriad of reasons. I had just separated after a 7 year relationship. I was recovering from a sinus nose operation, I was living with my folks and I had just enough money to get a plane ticket and pay for the trip that would change my life in so many ways. Ways that at the time I could not have fathomed to even begin to comprehend. So as I write my affirmation I feel amazingly grateful right now for ALL the challenges in my life as they have led me exactly to where I am right now. I really LOVE my life!

What the last two years have especially taught me is how to live loving. The lessons have been profound and the most valuable would have to be the never ending lesson of loving myself. Not only to learn to love myself but especially how to love with compassion for others. I am not necessarily talking about friends and family, for most of the time they are easy peezy to love. Rather what I am embracing is that I learn to love and accept each part of me and with that I have more love and compassion for the rest of humanity. Sounds pretty simple I reckon but I can tell you right now each hurdle or challenge that presents generally has a theme of a lack of love, insecurity or ego having a play. For when I love and truly love ALL aspects of who I am then the rest just follows.

People often ask me why I keep going back to Cambodia. There are no real words to describe other than the feeling of “home” that it represents for me. The simplicity and gratitude of what life has to offer overwhelms me with such generosity and magic. More importantly it is about a connection to know that we are all the same and that every living person has the right to justice, equality and peace. My heart over pours with emotion as I feel into the Cambodian people, for the injustice of country that is filled with so many things but above all gratitude and compassion.

What I do know that with all the challenges that last two years have presented me they have certainly created a pretty awesome version of who I am right now. I could never have foreseen what the potential of “the break up” could have been, but two years on and life is more exciting than what I have ever known. Far out what amazing lessons I have learnt! It was never an ending it was simply a wondrous new beginning. When you believe and shine your light magic happens. Challenges are opportunities for me to grow. The more I learn, the more equipped I am to handle whatever situations come up. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


HUGE love



43. I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me.


Thank you for the affirmation for today universe! As I sit here on a precious autumn morning at my favourite local café I feel immense gratitude for the reminders about why life is so precious. I recognise to not get caught up in drama, especially after having received a text at 7:15am. I release all expectations especially by those by who I may have felt disappointment, resentment or bitterness. I am reminded to be compassionate and kind as much as I want to have a “dig” and respond in a way that will only create a story and drama. It doesn’t mean that I do not have to feel what is going on but it is about accepting responsibility and understanding that we are all the same and that we all have played a part to get to where we are right now. So for now I send compassion and love to the situation. I trust that when the timing is aligned the lessons will be revealed and the journey will continue whichever the way it is intended for the greater good of all involved.

What today further affirms for is to truly believe and understand that life will always take care of me. Right now I am in the midst of jobs and the next leap of faith that I am about to embark on right now is unknown. I am reminded to let go of ALL expectations that are associated with this and to trust and fully feel that the universe has totes got my back. That doesn’t mean that I just sit back and wait for it to happen. There are action steps that I am required to pursue and I need to be really clear about what it is that I desire. To trust and know that when we are living our truth and are our authentic selves then the universe will always weave its magic and lead us to where we are meant to be.

The last few weeks especially, my energy has been scattered and I have not been in the moment. I have been contemplating with some worry about where to from here. The few “redirections” that I have received have certainly tested my trust and faith in knowing that I am always taken care of and that where I am is exactly where I am meant to be. I understand that if a door hasn’t opened it is simply because it wasn’t the right one for me. My higher self understands this totally but there are times when my beloved ego comes in to play and convinces me otherwise. Ego pushes us to peel away more layers and allows us to become more vulnerable. With our vulnerability also comes our strength and courage to be the magnificent beings that we were born to be. I now release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day,


With love
