1. The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and I spend some.


  1. The money that comes to me today is a pleasure to handle. I save some and I spend some.

About 7 years ago I set myself an experiment. I had begun reading a book by Louise Hay that was about positive thoughts and affirmations. My eldest sister had gifted me the book for Christmas and I had read it while I was on holidays. It had resonated with me on many levels and by a turn of serendipitous events I began blogging from an affirmation calendar also by Louise Hay. The challenge that I set myself at the time was that I would change every negative thought or experience into a positive one and then would see how my life would change in 365 days.

Little did I know at the time exactly what I had put out into the universe! Within a month or so the 7 year relationship that I was in ended. I had health issues that resulted in two surgeries and later took myself to volunteer in Cambodia. It was life changing to say the least. I know for me writing is like a life line and when I don’t I internalise all the crap that churns through my head, mind and thoughts. Instead when I do write it allows me to empty the junk and remain in my heart.

When I saw the Louise Hay calendar for sale online I felt the stirring to blog again on a regular basis. Today feels like the perfect time to start. I had thought that I was revisiting old ground but I know that I am not the person that I was 7 years ago and I know that some days it is impossible to turn a negative experience into a positive one. Instead what I can do is be real, raw and true to me.

The affirmation about money feels poignant for me and writing as I know as it has been one of the obstacles in getting my book published. I received a publishing contract and haven’t been able to fund my project for now. Last year also saw me become a sole trader and money was a constant worry to say the least. I have been away from home so my partner has been sending me the affirmations for the last few days. Yesterday a friend and I also spoke about finances and so it felt right to start today. For me it isn’t necessarily about the money instead the relationship that I have with money. It is also about being aware about the language that I use around money and absolutely knowing that I am worthy and deserving of abundance.

I don’t have my finance miraculously sorted but what I do have is faith and trust that I have the tools, resources and an abundance mindset to know the difference. For now I know that blogging with purpose feels like what I am meant to do. So although the affirmation for today may be about money for me it is an intention to create for when I do I am aligned with my true self. #2020#CREATE#connect2createchange#

With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo

23. Oh the things that you find if you don’t stay behind – Dr Suess


Some days are just shit, there is no rhyme or reason it just is. Sometimes it is a cascade of events that lead you to the space and you can identify what is going on for you. Our minds can be complex as we unravel our perception of what is. For me one of the most important things that life has to offer is connection. Connection to self and others is what keeps us creative and alive. Well for me it does anyway. There are times when it doesn’t all flow and this is when it is time to stop and listen. I have been in an unusual space for a little while now. What I mean by unusual it is somewhere where I haven’t been before and a space that is being created. If we always do what we have always done we always get what we always got.

We don’t really get taught about these days nor do we celebrate them. In fact we tend to shy away from them and pretend that they don’t exist. We somehow only feel accomplished on the days we feel content and connected. What about the other days? At the moment I am not in paid employment. Often we define ourselves by the work that we do and the job in which we are employed. It is the reason we get up in the morning, spend most of our days there and our lives often revolve around weekends and time off work. This is perfectly OK if this is how we choose to live our lives. There is no better or worse it just is.

I turned 44 this year. I have worked in the community sector for most of my working life and I have always loved it. My last stint in Community Services was one that served me in ways that I did not expect. It doesn’t mean that it was good or bad it was simply an experience. What it did to was allow me to question life on a realm that I haven’t been before and as far as I am concerned for the better. Along with that has come some days and moments where I have questioned where I am at, revisited my purpose and shed a shit load of emotions that obviously had been sitting there ready to be released.

In the midst of that I have had to revisit a health issue which was unexpected.  None the less I can either choose to go to a place that I have reverted to or I can go and be an uncomfortable mess for a while. So for now it is about digging that little deeper, reaching out that little bit more and unravelling the intricacies that life has to offer. Life presents and there are times where we need to be reminded of who we are and what we came here to do. To find the abundance and simplicity in what life has to offer is often the biggest treasure that we can acquire.  To live from a place of trust, purpose and meaning is what defines us. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






20. Within you is the kingdom of serenity, which can create all the prosperity that you could ever want.



I have been in Cambodia for the last 10 or so days, Cambodia is also affectionately known as the Kingdom of Wonder. It is a country that I have grown to love and admire for so many reasons and one in which I continue to explore each time I visit. On the eve of my 42nd birthday I have some “down” time to reflect on the wonder and serenity and all that it encapsulates. Part of my role in Cambodia is to co-facilitate groups of volunteers with Head Heart and Hand Holidays. http://www.headheartandhandholidays.com.au/. The 2nd group of volunteers arrived yesterday and for most of the days I am in action and logistics mode, so to fall into my heart and write feels like home.

I love what I do here for so many reasons and to put it into words perhaps wouldn’t do it any justice. The feeling associated with a country that allows me to truly envelop all that I am is beyond anything that I could have possibly ever imagined. There is so much growth and depth beyond the surface of what is.  This is now the 5th time that I have travelled to Cambodia in the last 3 years. For some time each time I visited Cambodia all I wanted to do was come straight back. The simplicity and gratitude that I received was all the prosperity that I could ever want. Peace, love and freedom are the true gifts that I have been able to unwrap no matter where I am in the world and for this Cambodia I am so enriched because of you.

Sometimes in life we seem to be searching outside of ourselves to make us feel happier or complete. Instead the gifts of what we truly acquire are nestled within us and finding them is where the magic truly happens. I no longer feel that I have to run to Cambodia to make me happy or complete. Nobody or anything can do that for you and believing that it will can only set you up to fail. It changed my perspective of life and how I choose to live it now. One of our volunteers today reminded me with her words. “We are only here for such a short time, I choose to say yes and then work out the details or whatever later” It was a gentle yet swift reminder as I close the last day before I turn 42. So the greatest gift I can give myself is a kingdom of serenity and one in which is filled with peace love and freedom and of course some cheeky fairy fun! It’s ironic that a country that is considered to 3rd world is so abundant with gifts that can only be felt, for this is the greatest gift that we can truly give ourselves. Be raw, be vulnerable and be you. Withinyou is the kingdom of serenity, which can create all the prosperity that you could ever want. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




19. You are at once a beating heart and a single heartbeat in the body called humanity.



I am in Siem Reap Cambodia at the moment working with Head Heart and Hand Holidays. It was quite early when I was woken up my music. It wasn’t the soothing sound of the monks chanting, rather a combination of celebratory fast paced music that kept playing in my head. So instead of feeling frustrated about not being able to go back to sleep, I decided to make the most of my time and write my blog for the day. There is no surprise that it is perfectly aligned with my time in Cambodia and funnily enough the music has provided me with a rhythm to write. Just like my favourite quote by Dr Wayne Dyer “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”

The affirmation presented today could not have come at a better time and I love the flow and magic that life offers when we truly allow ourselves to feel. This is now the 5th time that I have travelled to Cambodia and feels like home as I soon as I walk off the plane to the tarmac. The tuk tuk ride on the way to my accommodation is the best feeling ever! I love my time here and the way it makes me feel. There is simplicity and freedom that I have nestled into and I am so grateful for such an impoverished country that ironically has given me so much richness. A richness that cannot be bought rather allowing the lessons of life that can only be felt through learning and truly accomplishing the success of failure.

We are simply a reflection of the world we see. Sure there is poverty and mouths to be feed but there is also so much love, community, compassion, integrity gratitude and simplicity that I learn from the most. It is never easy to know that so many people are not able to eat or receive simple medical attention or that they may never receive an education simply because of where they are born. The injustice used to feel like it was suffocating me. Now there are lessons learnt, although I still feel the injustice I just choose to deal with it differently. It is not just about the work that I do in Cambodia rather it is about the compassion I am towards others and myself every other day. Working in Cambodia is the easy part. It is the way we act and treat precious humanity every other moment is what matters the most.

It is not about jumping on a plane to Cambodia (although Head Heart & Hand Holidays[i] was life changing for me) rather it is what our own personal and moral responsibility to the earth we live and to each other. It is about recognising oneness and knowing that we were all born to dance to the rhythm of our own beat in whatever way we choose. You are at once a beating heart and a single heartbeat in the body called humanity. Blessed be and do it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






[i] http://www.headheartandhandholidays.com.au/

68. I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.


This is certainly an affirmation that I am excited to write about. I know that it is an area of my life that has felt really overwhelming. Instead of writing about the lack of what has been happening I am going to begin to choose to create really different thoughts for myself. On the weekend I had some friends come and stay. We caught up and spoke about what has been happening in our lives. It wasn’t until one of my beautiful friends pulled me up and told me how much I made comment about “not working”.  I know that this has been on the forefront of my thoughts of late but had not realised how much of my precious energy it was actually consuming. I have so much to be grateful about! The abundance in my life is plentiful but yet there have been times where I have focused on what is not instead of what is.

Human beings can be such complex creatures and we often complicate things way beyond anything that is conducive. We tend to analyse the crap out of it and then we exhaust ourselves with our own thoughts. Far out I can feel the energy leave my body as I write about it! I had two separate conversations today and there was a common theme between them. I love the way the universe works and it was a solid affirmation that allowed my light to shine that little brighter.  So although the affirmation today is about being open and receptive to new avenue of income for me it is also about looking at my current situation in a completely different light. I can either see myself as “only working part time” or “just scraping by” but instead I can turn it around and really embrace the abundance and freedom of time where I can really explore any avenue I choose. I have known this on some level but the difference today was that I actually felt it and believed. Earth Angels do appear at the most opportune times and it totally helps when you are in the moment.

We are not meant to walk our path alone and that is why communities are created. Being connected and feeling a sense of belonging in paramount to our lives. So often we perceive our vulnerability as a weakness but instead it is such a leap to strength. I am so grateful for the conversations that I had today and especially to a friend who saw straight through “my bullshit” and took the time to find out to make sure I was OK. I was reminded to be in my heart space and to really listen and feel. It was just the message that I needed to hear and my energy restored to a place where I felt the magic appear.  I am open and receptive to new avenues of income. Blessed be and so it is. Namaste

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




58. I am grateful for Life’s generosity. I am blessed.


This morning I woke up in a warm bed. I was able to switch on a heater, I have electricity and above all I was able to have a routine blood test with ease. The equipment used was sterile and safe. In Australia we have a system where we are able to receive medical treatment as required and I am safe walking the streets to do as I please. I went to my workplace where I have freedom and creativity to work with passion and purpose. All day I was able to eat whenever and whatever I chose. My belly was full and I was nourished. These are just a few things that were are part of my day today and I am so grateful for the generosity that is bestowed in my life.

Sometimes in life when situations tend to present themselves as challenging  or when we feel that things have not gone our way it is too easy to forget what value and substance that we do have. It is too easy to get caught up in the drama of the mishaps and lose focus on what generosity and abundance is presented. This is true for some of us but there are so many others all over the world that are suffering simply because of where they live. Countries where there is no freedom and lives are dictated. Places that do not have clean water supplies and human beings die from diseases because of the water that they drink. Food is a luxury and one meal a day if any is all that is available. Health care is not an option and countless lives are lost.

It is not about saying that we are not deserving of a beautiful home or material possessions. It is about being grateful for the generosity of living in such a country where so much is readily available to us without a thought or moment of reflection. This morning when I did go for my blood test, the nurse was running an hour late. I was cranky because I had to fast for my blood test and was hungry. I couldn’t be bothered sitting there for an hour as it wold have taken up my time and I needed to be at work. The receptionist offered me an alternative and I was able to go to another place to get done what I needed to.  It wasn’t until I sat down to write my affirmation that I have been able to reflect on “my first world problems”. It is not about berating or judging these experiences instead to take note of all that is available and feeling truly blessed because of all that I have been able to receive. I have seen firsthand at what hunger looks like in a third world country and there has been many a time that I have witnessed the never ending line of people that seek medical assistance and sometimes wait for days to receive it. It is about where we choose to spend our energy and how we all can make a difference towards love and peace in the world in which we live. I am grateful for Life’s generosity. I am blessed. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



31. I release all resistance to attracting money. I am worthy of a positive cash flow.


I just picked myself an “angel” card. The card was Serena “I am the Angel of Abundance. You will receive the money that you need, and God is in charge of how that will happen. Have faith” I sat down and flicked the calendar to today and surprise surprise there was an affirmation about cash flow. Yes Universe I hear you loud and clear. For me this affirmation and angel reading is about stepping up, onwards and upwards. Sure the affirmations is directed towards money and cash flow but this will only happen once I step into my own power and truly believe in myself. Playing small doesn’t serve me nor does it serve anybody else.

To be perfectly honest doing what you always done simply gets you what you always got and to be quite frank it’s shitty and dark. Sometimes shitty and dark is where you need to be.. If you don’t know what the darkness looks like you can never appreciate the light. So although the affirmation and angel card very well may be about money for me it represents so much more than that. If I am in my flow, my purpose .my heart space with compassion and love then money will come to me easily. If I choose to stay in the dark and shitty place then this is all that I will continue to attract. Getting out of that place is what is important. It is not to be judged because of a lot of good stuff and growth happens when we are in our darkness. What I always remember is the darker the darkness the brighter the light.

Ultimately is up to you what you do with your life choices and that will be the difference that you are in the world. You can continue to blame whatever and whoever but personal responsibility is what is most crucial. Some days you may be only able to muster getting out of bed and others you will conquer. There is no right or wrong but our lives are uniquely ours. Sometimes we detour for a while but I am firm believer that sometimes wading through the shit gets us to the magic that we need to see that perhaps we could not see before.

The last month for me has been dark and shitty. That is not to say that there may not be days where I may or may not feel this way. It is about choice to either stay there or pull myself out of there. Living in your heart space, allowing yourself to do what your soul yearns to do is a massive start, unconditional love and integrity is where the action takes place. We can allow ego to take over and for the parasites to infest our minds or we can say fuck ofsky, I have a life to live. So yes the affirmation today very well may have been about money and cash flow but is about so much more. Living life with ease, grace, truth and authenticity is where abundance resides. I release all resistance to attracting money. I am worthy of a positive cash flow. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste



With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



24. I have a great relationship with money; it loves me and fills my pockets.


images (12)

I love the serendipity of the affirmations that I write about as it is exactly what I need to write about at the perfect time. I had a kinesiology appointment yesterday and my relationship with money came up. When I sat down to write about the affirmation that today presented, I had a little giggle as I know that everything happens for a reason. It is like the universe is testing me to just double check that I have received and learnt the lesson that I am meant to at this time. Before my kinesiology appointment even began there was a bowl of affirmations on the table. I went through the cards in the bowl and of course what came up was about money. The card read “My income is always increasing” I didn’t take much notice of it and placed it back in the bowl. Now that I sit and write about my relationship about money I know that divine timing has occurred as it was only earlier this week that I visited the bank to work out what works best for me and my finances.

I didn’t think that I had a negative relationship with money until it was bought to my attention yesterday and realised that I used the words “it is too expensive” or  “I can’t afford it” at various times. These words and energy that it carries is already from a deficit model instead of coming from a place of abundance. I have a beautiful home in which I am surrounded by plenty. I have a warm bed and shelter, food is more than ample and I always have appropriate clothing to wear in whatever weather. Rather what I sometimes focus on is the perceived lack and the internal struggle of feeling that I am just scraping by. Rather than focusing on living week to week what I would rather be fixing my attention to is all that I am surrounded with. I have no idea what it is like to go without because I am truly blessed with the prosperity that surrounds me.

I truly believe that everything happens in divine timing and for a reason, there is no mistake about the people that come into our lives and it is about being for a reason, season or lifetime. I met a beautiful young woman yesterday who shared her story. She is an asylum seeker who has fled her political country where there is no freedom and life is dictated in a way most of us will never know. She literally left with the clothes on her back and a bag which she still carried. That was all and that was it. As I sat and listened to her story I thought about some mornings when I dress and complain that I have nothing to wear. There is a wardrobe overspilling with shoes and clothes that stares at me daily. Really!!! Reality check of exactly how lucky I am simply by living in Australia to have all that I do. I am not judging my thoughts and actions rather I am learning to shift perspective about where I am right now and that my affiliation with money is one that is plentiful and pleasant. I have a great relationship with money; it loves me and fills my pockets. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



13. It is my birthright to share in the abundance and prosperity of this world.



I am few days behind in writing my blog and instead of catching up with the last couple of days I decided to stay in the now. My dear auntie passed away last night so it did not feel right to go back and “catch up” on the last couple of days of not having written. Her name is Isabella and she was 76 years young. Her cause of death is still unknown but at this stage it believed that she had a stroke. It all feels very surreal as I sit here and gather my feelings about life. What I do know is to write. When I looked at the affirmation for her date of death it could not have been more appropriate or significant.

For me the affirmation means that it is our absolute birthright to share in the abundance and prosperity of the world and there is no greater way than dealing with death than to really feel and believe that it is so true. Being alive right now feels so abundant! It doesn’t feel like it has actually happened and then the vision of her soulless body comes into my mind and I am focused on how true it all is. It was a much unexpected death and seeing her in this way was like being punched in the guts, with a feeling of not being able to breathe and take in what was actually happening.

Nobody can tell us for sure an account of what happens to us when we die and in some ways I am not entirely sure that I want to know.  I know that there are messages from our deceased loved ones all the time and this brings me much comfort right now. Only a short while ago the word “angel” that I have sitting on a window sill fell. I like to think that it was a reminder that she will always be around.

There is no greater time than to be in the now when dealing with a death\crisis. That is all you have. I watched and felt a room full of people contemplate knowing that their mum, wife, sister and aunt was no longer living on this earth at this time. It makes me feel like I can’t breathe but I also know that her is certain amount of strength and courage that she leaves behind as does each and every one of us. It is especially at these times when the values of compassion, love, peace and harmony are at the forefront of what is happening in our lives and it leaves us feeling so vulnerable.

To be perfectly honest I am not sure exactly what I am feeling right now. There is a sense of urgency that life is so bloody short and I want to make each moment count. There is a sense of being easy on myself and just going with whatever is coming up and then there is a part of me that want to keep busy so I don’t remind myself that she is gone. She may certainly be gone from this lifetime but I know that she has spread her wings to be amongst the angels that surround us each and every day. Our journey on earth may have ended Zia but I know that wherever you are shining brightly and I am eternally grateful for all you the abundance and prosperity you have shared in this lifetime. It is my birthright to share in the abundance and prosperity in the world. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



9. I allow my income to constantly expand and I always live in comfort and joy.


I had to giggle to myself when I read the affirmation for today. I was recently working on some goals and realised well that I pretty much didn’t have any goals for my small business that I work on a very part time basis.  So what I soon realised that if I wasn’t setting any intentions for myself then it would mean that the universe would not know how to deliver this to me. It isn’t rocket science but sometimes it takes a bit of time before I get it and I believe you learn what you are meant to at the perfect time. It is also important not to judge the lessons but rather to accept what is being taught with grace and ease.

Fretting about money is not something that I do often. I have come to realise and understand that abundance begins with you. To feel abundant with all that you already have and especially because you are breathing and that you are alive. When I do find myself in these moments what I usually will do is take rank of all the things in my life that I have to be grateful about and the areas where there is so much abundance in my life.

Affirming the above affirmation is also a great way to negate the mindset that you may be having in regards to “not having enough” I believe in miracles and magic and for me, I always trust that the universe will provide. There is enough to go around for all of us yet there are times when we feel that there is scarcity to what we think we are able to obtain and achieve. I also question what enough is and what that actually means. In our society we always seem to be striving for the bigger house, the bigger car the better of whatever.

So in reflection on the affirmation for today I am learning that what I do have is enough, for what really matters is what lives in my heart. I would absolutely love for my income to continue to expand as there are so many places and projects that I would like to achieve around the world and this does equate to having money to do so. I know that I will be able to achieve this as I know that if my intention comes from what my heart desires and my soul purpose then I can simply allow and create this to happen. I allow my income to constantly expand, and I always live in comfort and joy. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

