21. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time.


I was literally talking to a friend about an hour ago about this very topic! Thanks universe for reminding me about this affirmation and knowing that everything is exactly the way that it is meant to be. In life we tend to want to control what is going on around us. It gives us a sense of glory when we feel that we have it all “under control”. I have to giggle to myself right about now because I totally used to be “I got this all under control kind of person” I would have stuff all mapped out and then the universe would come along and mess it all up for me. When I look at it now the universe was actually working in my favour to get me to wherever I was required and this is the magic of life.

Do you hear yourself saying “Only if I had of known?” Yeah living in the past isn’t so great and really a waste of energy. Just as my dear friend said to me tonight “if all the other stuff had not have happened then I would not be experiencing all the great that I do now.” Sometimes in the midst of what we perceive as the crappy stuff in our lives we don’t always is actually the silver lining. Often it is not until months later when you have that aha moment and you realise that all the bits of the puzzle have come together to teach you an amazing lesson.

I know for me I used to want to have it all worked out and know exactly where I was at and what I was doing. Well you know what it didn’t work that well for me. What I do know is going with what feels right and what flows is what is meant to be. Often what will happen is I am at the right place at the perfect time to hear information or gather knowledge about whatever it is that is meant to be. I know and have complete trust that I am being guided and I no longer ignore my gut feelings or when something doesn’t feel right. I love and respect myself enough to know that my soul is speaking to me. There are no mistakes. We may be challenged in life with the lessons that we are given but living each day with kindness and grace is purpose. Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at exactly the right time. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.





With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



15. I am always able to make the correct decision. I recognise my own intuitive ability.



Our intuition is our own inner compass yet there are times when we still tend to ignore that gut feeling or inner knowing.  Trusting ourselves and what we feel is really important to our soul and being. Ego tends to get in the way and when we are not in our natural state of love our intuition can be mistaken with what our head is thinking. The connection between our head and heart is one that creates grace and life is at ease.

For a very long time I lived in my head and to be perfectly honest it is crap. It creates anxiety, depression and a great platform for mental illness to survive and thrive. Trust me I have all too well about this scenario and it is not pleasant. Furthermore it takes a toll on our bodies and creates stress which leads to disease and we do not live our lives with ease. When we finally can learn to live in our heart space it is one of the most liberating feelings that we are able to experience. It is authentic and it is real.

For me each day leads me more and more to about focusing on compassion towards myself and others and knowing that ultimately we are all connected and that we are all one. This is the way that recognising our own intuition becomes the only way that we do live and ultimately leads to living from a place of truth in all areas of all our lives. This allows us to be free of the masks that we so often wear in order to protect ourselves from feeling what is going on for us. We hide from the truth and find it uncomfortable to live with rejection, betrayal, so on and so forth. Feelings that can only live if we are living with fear due to living a life when we are not being true to ourselves.

So when we consider making the correct decisions for ourselves it is when we are in our truth and living in our heart space that we are guided by our intuition. A place where freedom lives and knowing that whatever the outcome may be at any certain time is exactly where it is meant to be. For me right now, I am listening to my intuition and the way I feel more that I have ever done. By doing so it leads me to places of bliss that I love and learn by. Even if my intuition leads me to a place where my feelings and path may be challenged I know that there is a divine purpose and path. I am always able to make the correct decision. I recognise my own intuitive ability. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



10. I am on a path where positive thinking and optimistic attitude guide all my choices.


Thank Buddha\Allah\God\Me whoever that I am on this path! Back in February 2013 I began an experiment that I would turn anything negative in my life into a positive. There is a whole story attached to that year but quite frankly I much prefer to live in the now. What I can say is that it totally works and being mindful of every word and thought that we speak and think is huge on so many levels.  I was speaking with a friend today and we were speaking about situations in our lives, things that had happened and simply stuff. What we were both grateful about was that although situations may happen in our lives, and you may very well be upset offended it is the way that you deal with it that makes a huge difference.

You can choose to rant and rave about it or put your big girl undies, learn from it and speak lovingly rather than with distaste. A big lesson for me as I am know that there have been many occasions where I have participated in idle gossip or bitched and moaned about others. I am happy to eat humble pie, it doesn’t always taste great as it about you being vulnerable and uncomfortable but far out I would prefer that than staying the same. It is something I choose not to partake in any longer as the vibration of the energy does not resonate with me. More importantly it does not align with my values or compassion or being of service to humanity.

There are so many other issues in the world that require attention.  Today I learnt of the news that over 2,000 people were massacred in Nigeria. I have sat here for a while now and wondered how the hell I speak positively about that when all I feel is pure heartbreak and devastation for the precious souls that lost their loves to reckless and pointless killing. What I have been able to come up with is that it has further affirmed that I don’t want to waste time on “drama & stories”. Life is travelling at lightning speed and I want to live each moment doing what is of importance and significance. Idle gossip and “stuff” does not equate to justice and compassion. Sure “stuff & stories” will always come up but it is how they are dealt with that makes the difference and allows the positive outcomes and attitudes to occur. I am on a path where positive thinking and optimistic attitude guide all my choices. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




6. I offer those around me patience, encouragement, support, a cheerful word, the gift of a smile – and most of all appreciation.


Being kind and compassionate to one another is a given. When we were born into this lifetime we were born with unconditional love. Along the way we learnt and adapted to so many things that did not come from love. These places could have been derived from fear, survival, whatever, it actually doesn’t matter. It is not a matter of blame, our parents or carers did the best that they knew how. What matters most now is our own personal responsibility and returning to the state of being that is love, truth, compassion and integrity. We gather so much crap along the way and if we don’t get rid of it and let it go our view point of the world becomes bitter and twisted and we only operate from fear and ego.

It is fairly easy to offer your loved ones patience, encouragement and support. For most people this state of being is simple. When I reflect on the affirmation for the day what comes to mind are the elderly people that live in our society. This is especially so for those who live with dementia. Dementia can be seen and felt as a cruel and debilitating disease. Having worked in the Aged Care Sector for almost 6 years I felt the pain of family members so often. I only said to my aunty the other day how much I miss working with people with dementia. There is something truly special about what we are able to learn from those that live in dementia. Feeling sorry and sad may be a natural reaction but connecting heart to heart is far more meaningful than most interactions that as human beings we exist with.

When I reflect on why I enjoyed working in Aged Care so much what resonates the most for me is being in the moment. Sometimes there are no words and what needs to be expressed can only be felt. There is communication beyond words and a connection that no matter how much memory loss that may appear to the surface the heart always feels. So whilst there is a beating heart there is always hope and faith.We don’t require words to feel.

So for today and every day offer appreciation, support, patience, encouragement and a smile to somebody that you may not normally. Get involved with some voluntary work if you feel, spend time with the elderly, do whatever is right for you. These are the small things that make the world we live in a brighter place.  I offer those around me patience, encouragement, support, a cheerful word, the gift of a smile – and most of all appreciation. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



3. I act with honour and integrity in all that I do.


When I read the affirmation for today, my first thought was “of course I do!” It was almost a defensive response on my behalf so I sat with it for a while. What was conclusive is that whilst this is an area of my life that I feel works really well for me, there have certainly been times when this hasn’t always been the case. What I am referring to is that I haven’t acted with honour and integrity with myself and have placed myself in situations where perhaps I haven’t spoken up, where I haven’t admitted my true feelings or allowed behaviour in my life that did not reflect my values. Hindsight is awesome but no point in living in the past, it serves you no purpose.

We tend to associate integrity and honour as being “good” and “kind” to one another. This is very much the case but what I feel is most important is honour and integrity to self. As much as I would have like to have believed that for the last 20 or so years I have lived with honour and integrity in ALL that I do I can’t say that I have. Being in two long term relationships and not being true to self was not acting in honour and integrity. There were so many instances where I knew that I wasn’t being true to myself. I can see that now. As much as I knew that something didn’t feel right I stayed in situations that were not in alignment with my higher self, therefore not acting with integrity and honour.

Only recently I was confronted with situations with friendship and family circles. I chose not to say what I really felt. I was told “stuff” that I chose to ignore and partook in conversations that were not in integrity. Part of me didn’t want the drama but there was another part that simply didn’t act with honour and integrity. It is not about judgement but to feel with compassion that this is now an area of my life that I choose to act upon. It is a part of my life that I am now aware of and choose to live differently. It is not about making anybody or anything right or wrong rather knowing that when I act with honour and integrity in all that I do then my life can simply only mirror the same. I act with honour and integrity in all that I do. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

