6. Today is a great day to visualize, imagine, create and produce.


For the last week or so we have seen the words #blacklivesmatter# plastered all over social media and of course they absolutely do. We have seen and heard the injustices that are currently being played out and we are appalled and rightly so. However why is it only now that we feel that this has been occurring? I want to profess that I am not an expert this is simply what it feels like for me and what I know to be true, that creates a stir in my soul.

As Australians did we know that this week is reconciliation week? Reconciliation week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The very same week a mining company blew up a 46,000 year old cave. The irony is beyond insulting. Did we plaster this all over social media or did we not even know that it was reconciliation week? I have also read some alarming posts that people in Australia have not grown up with racism? Have we been living under a rock?

Do we know and understand that in our very communities Aboriginal people are still not accessing services that they are entitled to because they have been treated so poorly in the past. Did you know that we are still not providing inclusion in the services that we provide for the owners and true custodians of our land? Do you know if your workplace has a Reconciliation Action Plan which is a formal statement of your organisation commitment to reconciliation?

I have worked in the NDIS space for a few years. Aboriginal people are still not accessing services that they are entitled to. A reform as huge as the NDIS was not inclusive and considerate of Aboriginal culture and language which continues to disadvantage our communities. I attend meetings and continue to shake my head in disbelief that as “white fellas” we continue to make the same FK ups time and time again. So before we proclaim that we are not racist, how as individuals are we contributing to the same? The systematic racism is rife!

We have been waiting to get back to “normal”; I don’t want things to go back to normal. I am glad that the world has been shaken up so that perhaps we have a better chance of understanding what responsibility we all have in this world and how we contribute to racism. This isn’t about shaming or making something right and wrong nor is it about black lives in America or Aboriginal lives in Australia. For me it is about let’s make a stance all the time. Let’s unite at any opportunity we have. Let us be educated about what is going on right under our very noses, in our classrooms, in our workplaces and in our everyday conversations so that justice can be served. Today is a great day to visualize, imagine, create and produce.


With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo

5. My neighbourhood is a joy to live in. As neighbours, we are all friendly, concerned for each other’s welfare.



I had to laugh when I read the affirmation for today! If you had of heard me only a few weeks ago you would I heard that I was being anything but friendly to my neighbour. For the last two years I have lived in a complex when pretty much from Day 1 there was a complaint. Apparently body corporate bi laws is something I am not good at adhering to. No hanging clothes at the front of the home, no bikes to be displayed and definitely no BBQ’s! To say that this has consumed huge amounts of energy is an understatement. To say that I have learnt so much about myself and others through this process has been huge.

What I have learnt most is about what my soul is am willing and not willing to accept. The process has been fascinating to say the least. The core of the issues may have been about bikes and bbq’s but the true essence of the lesson is community and connection or lack thereof. For me it was about an unwillingness to communicate, lack of integrity, misuse of power and the inability to have a conversation.

What I am also finding through this process is that the actions of others allow me to learn more about myself. I have discovered that what I feel is fair and just is not the same as the next person. It is my job to let others see a different side? Do I really want my home to be in a place where for most of the time I don’t feel supported or that my neighbours don’t have my back? If this is how we do one thing then is not how we do everything? Or is it as simple as where I am no longer works for me. I know now more than ever it is time to move. I no longer have an interest in trying to wake people up to what I perceive as an injustice. If someone is happy to live in a world where injustice occurs and allows more of the same what is it that I am actually fighting for? For it is the disservice that I am doing to myself that is doing way more harm than good.

So when I summarise the affirmation for today for me it is about what I am choosing to surround myself with. To know that every human being is on their own journey and I do not have the right to be in judgment of where they are at. What I can do is put my energy into what I do desire and want not only for myself but for humanity. To live in a neighbourhood that is filled with joy with ALL of my neighbours being friendly and concerned for each other’s welfare. Blessed be and so it is. Thank you.


With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo



19. “If we don’t talk about it, it is never going to change” – Unknown



I have been watching “13 Reasons Why” on Netflix for the last few weeks. Or one may call it a bit of binge watching.  It is a series about suicide, sexual abuse, violence, bullying – do I need to go on?  I am sure you get the picture. It is confronting, it is real and it is raw. I came across the quote at the same time “If we don’t talk about it, it is never going to go change” and it resonated. This week I attended a mental health conference on the Gold Coast.  There was a lot about facts and figures but there was also a lot about connection and humanity. It was also about speaking up and creating change. I have had a roller coast kind of week so I spent most of the day yesterday reflecting and processing.

What does connection and humanity really mean?  Sometimes I feel that we have complicated life and we just need to back to the basics. Be kind to one another, have compassion and treat one another with loyalty and respect. It doesn’t mean to say that I am perfect. I know and own that there have been times when I haven’t acted in true integrity. I choose to practice self-love and worth and I work consciously to understand my behaviour towards myself and others.

My blog and writing for me has always been an opportunity to get “stuff” out of my head. It is a way that I am able to explore what is going on for me without having to internalise it. It is my way of taking responsibility. “Stuff” happens to us because we either have to resolve it or it is an opportunity to learn. Sometimes it is a walk to the beach, to witness the beauty of a little girl dancing in the water, living ever so presently with absolute joy and laughter. The world is simply a reflection of where we are at; life has only to offer what we choose to see. The lessons aren’t always easy to learn and sometimes it takes us a while to process.

So if we choose to hide who we are or say what makes our voices quake are we living our truth? Although it has been depicted in a television series, 13 Reasons Why also reveals the real implications of speaking the truth and seeking justice in behaviours that are out of integrity.  The series just as life is provoking. Predominantly it is about a teenager taking her own life. It delves into how the actions of others implicated this in some way shape or form. The decisions that we all make on a day to day basis can create an impact good bad or otherwise.  So be vulnerable, say what it is that you feel and know that we all have the power to create change. As important as our stories may be, equally so is the opportunity to make a difference.  Blessed be and so it is.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




Sonia xxx

13. “Connect to the whispers of your soul for this is where the magic transpires” Sonia Muraca


I am not even sure what it is that I am going to write about today but what I do know is that I need to write. It is Sunday morning and the last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind. I have started a new job, moved in to a new home and getting used to the changes that life brings. I was speaking to a friend yesterday and she asked how I coped with change. For me change is something that needs to happen in order for growth to occur. I really don’t know any other way and for the last 12 or so months change has been constant.  Living so close to the ocean has lent itself to the ebbs, flows and sometimes waves that change brings. With this I have been in touch with what is going on for me eternally.

I know that when I feel the need to write it is also a time and space where I need to connect to self. I have found myself being “busy” in the last few weeks, such is life and that is perfectly OK. It is important to acknowledge that our inner selves and soul deserve time to truly nurture and listen to the whispers of connecting back to self. For me it is truly about being present and being able to give from a place of a full heart.

Yesterday morning I left home bright and early to go to exercise. I was a little grumpy and would have much preferred to stay in bed. The mornings are starting to be fresh and I just wanted to snuggle under the doona.  My conscious got the better of me and I got up. As I left home the magnificence of the sun was rising. The array of glistening oranges and yellows beamed from the sky. I was instantly in the moment of the magic and was in awe of how glorious Mother Nature and life truly is. It was at that point that I realised how much I had been rushing around, that my body was tired and weary and that I hadn’t being fully present.

I have learnt too much in life to know that berating oneself does nothing but create more “stuff”. Not sure about you but I’m not really interested in self-sabotage. I much prefer to notice the lesson, process what needs to happen and continue to be in flow. So whilst I had no idea what was going to transpire prior to me writing all I knew was that I needed to write. It is my soul’s way of whispering to stay present, be still, and listen to the calls of what is truly needed. For when we don’t connect to ourselves we cannot possibly connect to anything else. Life is truly precious and it is in the simplest of what life offers that often bring us the most magic. It is the laughter of children and the rising of the sun. From the sweetest of cuddles, the welcoming smiles and the connection to self and others that surmounts to the true meaning of what life has to offer. Connect to the whispers of your soul for this is where the magic transpires. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.








20. “Don’t let anybody walk through your mind with their dirty feet” – Ghandi



I heard this quote twice yesterday. When I heard it for the second time I really stopped to listen and feel what it meant for me. Earlier that day I had been listening to some radio station. They were talking about forgiveness. I almost changed it but something stopped me. The announcer explained that when we hate someone every day it requires a lot of effort and energy. The act of forgiveness happens once and we are done. Sounds pretty simple and it was definitely something that I needed to be reminded of. I am no angel, far from it. I am a human having a spiritual experience. I don’t love all the time but for most of the time I have an open heart. My blog is about writing with a compassionate heart even on the days when I don’t want to. These are the times when I need it the most.

So after having heard the quote twice and having listened to the story about forgiveness I figured there was certainly something that I needed to look into. There is no surprise that someone from my past surfaced and had been only what they can be. Being compassionate also means that the other party is doing the best that they can and they are in their own process of healing. Look if you had of heard me at the time it was quite the contrary, but a day or two later and I have learnt to not let someone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.

First and foremost we are human beings. I believe in order to evolve that we have to experience all the extremities of emotions, irrespective of whether they feed good or bad. Sometimes or not it helps to analyse the crap out of a misdoing and we simply do our head in. On a conscious level we are aware that the thoughts we are allowing to consume us are only generating a negative impact on our bodies and lives.

Our souls remind us that what we are going through is for the greater good or is redirecting us to a bigger and better place. However our minds and our bodies can tell us otherwise. We carry anger, distaste and attempt to rationalise the injustice that has occurred. Unfortunately or not our bodies can take a little more time to catch up to what we truly know. Respecting and honouring the process is paramount to our evolvement. I am all for love in fact I thrive in an atmosphere of love. It is all good and well to send love and light but sometimes let’s just own it and call it for what it is. I know that anger and resentment isn’t worth hanging onto to but I also know that I am human and feeling all of what life has to offer is part of my growth and aligning me to exactly where I am meant to be  “Don’t let anybody walk through your mind with their dirty feet”– Ghandi. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






74. I honour my inner child by remembering to play and have fun. I remind myself not to take things so seriously.


Our lives can be so serious and we get caught up in “our” first world problems.  There are times when I catch myself going into my head of being so god dam serious about life, schedules, routines, responsibilities, it make me feel like I can’t breathe and I begin to feel stale! It is all about the balance and perception of what is real and what is not. I started a full time job a few weeks ago. It was a job that I had been manifesting especially in the area of mental health. I prayed for it and it appeared! Two weeks later and the reality of working full time is really beginning to sink in.  To be perfectly honest it scares the crap out of me! I haven’t worked full time for many years! Now I have a choice right here and right now. I can choose to feel like it is a burden or I can feel it in my heart that it simply what I do now and how I serve here on earth. Most importantly it is about taking the time to play and not taking life so seriously.

I caught up with a friend earlier today and we spoke about the last few weeks and what has been going on for me. It feels like an adjustment that I am now attuning to. The importance on how I view the situation is simply how it will manifest. Our world is simply a reflection on where we are at. If I keep affirming that it is tiring and draining, then tired and drained will simply be my mirror. So right now I am super grateful for my friend who allowed me to stop and notice what was going on for me and to put my path back into perspective.

So for me right now it is all about the balance. One of my favourite things to do is to have a coffee at my local café. I love to watch the world around me and write. This morning I noticed a toddler who was about two years old. She had gumboots on and the brightest pink tutu. She skipped outside and her freedom was inspirational. Yes there is definitely a part of me that wants to wear a bright pink tutu and jump in puddles with gumboots on! What I have now realised is to feel the freedom of honouring my inner child and the HUGE reminder not to take life so seriously.

I have landed a position with a bunch of fun down to earth people in an area that I am truly passionate about. Yes there are times where I may be tired but the more I allow this to be my focus the more it will pull me down. It is easy to focus on “first world” stuff because we get in our heads and we forget to feel. I am certainly not regretful of my lessons and hardships that I feel. If they didn’t appear there would be no growth. So for now even though I don’t have a pink tutu, I can pretend I do and play amongst the fairies. I honour my inner child by remembering to play and have fun. I remind myself not to take things so seriously. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

HUGE love



70. In the infinity of Life where I am, all is perfect whole and complete.


In life at times it seems that we always seem to be striving to something. When “this” happens we will do “that” or when we have that house, car, whatever life will be good. We tend to work on the exterior and superficial stuff more than we do our inner selves forgetting that we are the precious asset of all. Loving self and recognising that we are imperfectly perfect can be one of the toughest lessons that I have had to learn. There are times where I still treat myself harshly but the difference these days is that I recognise it.

How do we recognise when life is whole perfect and complete. For me it is about accepting each moment as imperfectly perfect no matter what the situation or outcome. As humans we make things right and wrong, we judge, berate and condemn ourselves and others, not the most loving way to live. What I have truly learnt in this lifetime is that my world is simply a reflection of what is going on for me. So rather than blame everything else I step back, take personal responsibility and understand that the pain, grief, sadness is perfect whole and complete. What it then does is allow the situation to be transformed into a life lesson where we can grow and learn.

For the last few months life for me has been chaotic, felt stressful at times and required a sense of faith and trust that I had not quite yet explored. I didn’t sit back with a daisy chain around my head wearing a peace sign (as much as I would have loved to) instead I learnt a lot of life’s lessons. I can now reflect and get that no matter where I am it is perfect and whole. It certainly didn’t feel like it at the time because as much as I wanted to be chilled out and cool I had an stirring restlessness about not feeling “good enough”, “incapable”, “rejected” as I was not getting work in the areas that I truly desired. So instead of loving myself as much as I perhaps would have liked to, I judged and condemned. Not a great move as I spent most of the time with flat energy and no desire to be around people.  Gotta love those lessons!

So today is an awesome reminder that where I am is exactly where I am meant to be. I know the universe orchestrates its synchronicity beautifully even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. Life is infinite and we are certainly here on earth for a short time. Why we make it so hard on ourselves is something that I can never quite understand? I certainly feel that the more we learn to love ourselves and embrace ALL of who we are the easier the lessons become. Our lessons are our life’s instruments to create the music to soothe our soul. Sometimes we need a friendly shove from the universe to remind us that we are imperfectly perfect just the way we are. In the infinity of Life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

HUGE love



Just like the bright summer sun, I am a radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence.


Life presents us with many challenges; they can be good, bad or indifferent. It is the way that we deal with what life presents us with that makes the difference and how we choose to spend our lives. When I thought about what I was going to write about t today I reflected on what it meant for me. Right now for me it feels relatively easy to feel like a bright summer sun. I have just returned from a few weeks in Cambodia. I am home in Australia and have been filled up with so much love from my family and friends. I can connect to the affirmation and it would be easy peezzy to write about this from my perspective. Instead what I thought about was what it would be like right now for people who are not feeling like a ray of sunshine.

What has come up for me a lot lately is my own “story” of mental illness and how my own journey can help others. It feels like real life purpose stuff especially since my own cousin took her own life through suicide earlier this year. This is something that lives with me each and every day and turning this around is something that I am still working on for myself. What I do know is that while I was in Cambodia healing took place and one of the things that I was able to recognise is that a part of my purpose is to shed light and detach stigma from mental illness.

When you are in the depths of depression and the world that you are in is surrounded by darkness, there really is no point in telling somebody to affirm “I am a bright summer sun” You are likely to get a punch in the face or something of sorts. There is nothing more patronising than somebody telling you to think happy thoughts when you are in the depths of your darkness.

My personal journey about depression and psych admissions is recognising what got me to that place.  It is about how it has served me and ultimately also saving me. It is about recognising that I am not always a ray of FU*(N sunshine and sometimes I am like a thunderous lightning bolt. It is about appreciating that without darkness lightness cannot exist. It is in the depths of our darkness that true creativity and passion stirs. For if it is with that much determination that we are able to go inwards it is with the same strength and courage that we are able to turn this energy of darkness outwards and into the light.

So instead of this post being about others feeling safe and warm in my presence it is about acknowledging being who it is that you need to be at any given moment. To be proud and honour what it is that you are feeling. That it is Ok to feel whatever you want to feel and for those around you to be in that space of love and warmth. Ultimately it is about feeling safe to express, be vulnerable and just show up as you. Just like the bright summer sun, I am a radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day

With HUG love



35. I am patient, tolerant and diplomatic. My words and actions are healing.


Well the first thing that comes to mind when I read the affirmation for today is “You can take a girl out of Reservoir but you can’t take Rezza out of a girl” (whatever that may mean). What it does mean to me is there are times where I can be completely feral and my words and actions are far from healing. I can be the sweetest of flowers and on the flipside I can act like an angry bull. For most of the time I am smiling and I love the world but low and behold there are also the moments when I am full of drama and a little crazy. After all I am Italian :)  What I have learnt to recognise is that these parts are all of me, good, bad and ugly. These are the shadows that I have now learnt to embrace.

Too often we try to shy away from who we really are. We are afraid to be vulnerable, we have a fear of being exposed if we are seen to be acting too sad, happy, angry or whatever. It’s time to get real and just be who we were born to be. Obviously we all need to be responsible for our actions. I am not suggesting that we go on an angry rampage, or live out our secret demons of wanting to sometimes punch people in the face. Instead what I am saying is that we just show up! Show up in your full integrity and authenticity and just be you.

We can be so afraid of not being accepted into whatever so we put on different layers and masks to “fit in”. The true essence of who we are and what we were born to do diminishes and we detour from life. Trust me I was great at this for a lone time. Almost 20 years in fact  (yup sometimes  it takes me a while to learn lessons) I was in relationships where I believed if I just did this or  that I would be loved and accepted more. Guess what it didn’t work. It is not about blaming the other person in fact my past loves are my greatest teachers and I only have universal love and compassion for them. (possibly would have liked to punch their face at some point, but I didn’t. LOL).

My most valuable lessons are that I am awesome and beautiful by just being me. My greatest relationship is the one that I have with myself. So when I reflect on the affirmation for today it is about firstly being patient, tolerant and diplomatic with my true self.  For when I am in the perfect relationship with me, it transpires onto everything and everyone else that I am in contact with. I am far from perfect in fact I am imperfectly perfect! What I do know is that each day is a new beginning and life is right now. I am patient, tolerant and diplomatic. My words and actions are healing. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



25. I only work for people who respect and honour their employees.

images (13)

I can truly write this affirmation with every morsel of my heart and know how true this is and how blessed I am. Beside my computer sits a jar which was a gift from my boss who is also a cherished and dear friend. The gift was for Christmas and in it are bits of paper with things that my co-workers have written about me. They are beautiful compliments and words that have been designed to inspire and uplift me whenever I feel the need. Right now as I go through a time in my life which is difficult, I am filled with so much gratitude for such a simple idea that is truly heartfelt and real.

We are truly like a little family and we have so much honour and respect for one another and for all that we bring into each other’s lives. I can be my true authentic self each and every day and I know that I am loved and accepted unconditionally. Whether I am happy, sad, tired, grumpy or emotional I am so supported and for me this is one of the greatest gifts in my life.

We laugh; we share tears and so many other things in between.  What I love and respect the most is the support that we offer each other not only in our professional lives but our personal journey. The last month or so has been tough for me for a myriad of reasons and life continues to throw challenges that are to say the least difficult. What I know is the love and care that I am shown through these times and it fills my heart with so much joy and gratitude. They accept my premenstrual moods, my moments of crazy when I am being dramatic, my quirks and I know that no matter what happens I feel their unconditional love and support. They know when my buttons have been pushed; they know what to say at the perfect time and most importantly when I need a big fat hug to make everything better again. They know when my limits have been pushed, when I haven’t had enough sleep, when I am hungry and no matter what they always encourage me to be the best version of me.

I feel so lucky to have this support and know for me this is such an important part of life. They are truly my family who I love dearly and I know how much I am loved and appreciated right back. I am so grateful for the friendship, the laughter, the way we look after one another and for being in such an awesome place to work. I only work for people who respect and honour their employees. Blessed be and so it is and so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

