40. I think big and then I allow myself to accept even more.

10703783_10152835115117240_7979328416965632819_nI had to sit with the affirmation for a little today before I was actually able to articulate what it meant for me. Right now I am in a bit of a crossroads with where life is taking me. There is a bunch of excitement that is going on, but there is also a sense of judgement that goes on with ego. I have had a few rejections in the last week. Actually I have begun to see them as redirections, and the vibration of the word feels far less harsh. The redirections are leading me to places that I haven’t been before or considered. It is giving me the opportunity to be still and work out what is my next chapter of the journey. Very cliché I know but it is exactly what it is. I could sit here and talk about my “rejections” and feel sorry about myself but that would be a pretty boring story or I can redirect me energy and focus on where to from here. I trust that the universe has bigger and brighter doors to open

There is a poem that I deeply love. It was read by Nelson Mandela and written by Marianne Williamson. The first few lines read “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us” I was reminded of this poem today for whatever reason. It is one that I have read many times before but tonight it feels more pertinent. Ego likes to keep us small because we are afraid. We are afraid to love too much or too little. We allow our past to dictate where we are going because of where we have been. In the end they are only stories that only have power if we fuel them with our ego. I can choose to feel rejection and go into the drama of not being good enough or deserving but F*&K that shit! That story is boring and I have been living it for far too long! I am the only one that creates the life that I desire and deserve.

Broken hearts of abandonment and rejection could fill page after page. Yes they may have merit to where I have been and who I am today but I no longer allow it to be part of the big picture that I am creating right now. I know that the universe tests us time and time again until we get the lesson. So for me right now I am going to dream big and accept prosperity and opportunities because I know that this is all part of the big picture and the life that I am living. So thank you for the redirections that you so kindly offered, I now know that I am being pushed to serve more, shine my light and to be the best version of me. I think big and I allow myself to accept even more. Blessed be and so it is, so it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

With love



39. I accept opportunities when they come my way. I feel confident about my future.


I love the timing of the affirmation presented to me today. I am in the middle of transition with my job at the moment with a contract about to finish. I am putting my feelers up to see what it out there and have dabbled in a few applications. Today I received my first official, “thanks but no thanks” email. For the first time ever I was really cool with it. Rather than go into the mode of “Oh no I just got a rejection email” my first thought was oh well clearly that wasn’t meant to be for me right now and the universe has a different door that I am meant to walk through.

So as one door closes I am confident that brand new ones will open and I am really excited. My dad is an extremely funny and no nonsense kind of man. He is a straight shooter and has an opinion about everything. His way is ALWAYS the right way. So the other day when I mentioned to him that I was looking for work as a contract was ending he took an opportunity to tell me that I am always changing jobs, that I never stay in one place and after that I just heard blah blah. Rather than retaliate I had a laugh and said “dad you are absolutely right!” I love change and it means that life is never boring. He still carried on and continued with his story (as he does) and it was a great reminder that life is about perception. I especially love the quote by Dr Wayne Dyer “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” My dad is one of my greatest teachers. He teaches me to be relentless in what I want to achieve and reminds me about patience, acceptance and compassion. There was a time when a conversation such at the one mentioned would have ended in an argument but I acknowledge that there is truth in what he is saying. The difference is I am not seeking his approval, not his nor of anybody else. I love myself enough to know that the only approval that is important is mine.

So for now as I transition to a new phase in my life I have complete trust and faith that doors will open. As I have already witnessed some doors may not open and that it totally cool as well. I approve and love myself for who I am and know that I am worthy of receiving the best possible opportunities that will fulfil my life purpose and passion. So for now it is about learning to surrender, to trust and know that everything will be exactly the way it is meant to. I feel that the path ahead is cleared of all obstacles for an exciting future that is filled with magic and miracles. I accept opportunities that come my way.  I feel confident about my future. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

Lots of love



1.Today begins a positive chapter in my life- the start of an exciting new adventure.


Today is the 1st day of 2015 and I start a new blog with fresh goals and intentions. For me it is about truly living in my heart space, coming from a place of compassion and being of service. It sounds so simple yet one of the most profound lessons that I am learning that makes life truly special. This year is the first time in a long while that I have woken up with no hangover on New Year’s Day (Go Me!). Quite a contrast to previous years and possibly the best I have ever felt. There is no judgement rather an acknowledgment of where my life is now and the life I am choosing to create.

I have spent the last couple of days in serene country Victoria. It has been magical as my cousin and I have truly loved being in the moment, amongst Mother Nature and her bliss. I have spent some of my time writing in a “workbook” that I have purchased for myself about goals and dreams for 2015. For me this year is about being adventurous, fun, liberating and filled with compassion. There is a quote that I spotted today on the fridge where I am staying it reads “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us” It was written by Marianne Williamson and read by Nelson Mandela. A quote I have seen many times before which means so much especially on such a significant day of the year.

An intention that I have set for myself is to “buy nothing new” for 365 days! This one is a biggie for me as I do love a bit of retail therapy but I am stepping out of my comfort zone and going with it. Furthermore it is not only about not consuming “things” that I do not require but being more aware of the environment. So for now it is about embracing all that each day brings, filled with love and compassion. Today begins a positive chapter in my life- the start of an exciting new adventure. Blessed be. So it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



192. Make it a Good One

I fully focus on one step at a time along the path of my dreams. I release any cares, concerns or worries to God and the angels. I enjoy putting my desires into action, and I am good at what I do.

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What a great affirmation to write about on the 2nd last day of the year and especially because it has been something that I have been creating in the last couple of days.  Goals, dreams and desires were not an area of my life that I had always focused on. I thought I was happy just plodding along and whatever happened, simply happened. It wasn’t until I travelled to Cambodia last year in June that goals and desires became a part of my life and aspects that I thrive to achieve. It allowed me to explore and truly believe that anything and everything is possible. Fast forward almost 18 months later and I truly know that my dreams and desires do come true.

I have been writing my ideas and dreams on a “bucket list” for a little while now. A few days ago I took them all down and decided to rewrite them. I rewrote them because they were just statements on a piece of paper that I had put out into the universe that I felt were fragmented and disjointed. I have been learning and absorbing a lot in the last few weeks whilst doing a course about “life”. What I realised and have come to understand is that when I am setting myself a goal, dream or desire is to set it as an intention that it is already happening. So on reflection I rewrote all of my goals as “I am _______” This allows me to feel as if they are already happening and the most important is to know that I can achieve and do anything that I truly desire.

For whatever reason in life we allow ourselves to believe that our dreams are just that. We have a perception that it only happens to other people or that we “missed the boat” or just blah, blah, blah. You know what if this is what we believe then it will be only what will happen. Somewhere along the way of life we allowed ourselves to have a belief that we possibly could not live the life we imagined because of whatever circumstance. Each person has their own unique journey and I am not here to preach or tell you know that you can do whatever you wish for, that decision is for you to make on your own. Rather what I do know is that magic does happen and I can achieve what my heart truly desires. For when you are in alignment with your higher self and in integrity of who you are then life simply flows and everything is possible. All my dreams and desires and in fruition now and I am a magical creator. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.



With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

