190. Enjoy Being Highly Focused

As I easily focus on whatever I choose, I learn rapidly and thoroughly. My mind is nimble and powerful. I am brilliant because I am one with God’s magnificent mind.


Oh funny ol universe!! I randomly selected an affirmation from my book Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue a few days I chose this affirmation and didn’t feel like writing it. Possibly because I wasn’t focussed on what I was doing and as a result remained scattered for the rest of the day. Today the same affirmation appeared to me when I asked the universe\angels what it was that I would be writing about today. Bingo there it was again! About a month ago I was annoyed about Christmas, not because it not a time of year that I enjoy, rather the amount of “stuff” that is consumed during this time and all the hoo haa that is attached to it. In some ways it still holds a heavy place in my heart about how much emphasis we place on one day. Instead what I have come to realise that if this is where I allow my energy to be focused then I will remain bitter and annoyed about Christmas and miss the many miracles that are happening all around me.

What this affirmation and realisation has shown me is that perhaps me on my lonesome can’t change the world but you know what I CAN make a difference. My actions cause a reaction and so forth. There was a profound comment that I heard the other day whilst I was doing a workshop. It went something like this “We don’t have to love each other but at the very least we should be able to be loyal and to trust one another” For me this summed up so much and allowed me to see life from a perspective that I had not come to see before. Christmas time brings about so many emotions for different people and can range from pure bliss and elation to desperation and despair.  We tend to put so much focus on one day of the year and to some degree that is cool. It is cool because for one day people are extra loving and kind and peace is shared. It is what happens after this day is where we are required to still be highly focused on love and peace.

I can choose to be annoyed about all that is consumed at Christmas time or I can become highly focussed on being love and peace with compassionate and in particular to those who may not be a part of my life for whatever reason. For if I continue to resent and repel against another human then this is only what I will attract. Not sure about you but I would much rather be peace and love than resentment and anger. For if this is what I focus not only at Christmas time but each and every day then my mind can only be nimble and powerful. So thank you for the lessons universe in which I continue to learn and grow only with love and peace. I am peace. I am love. I am compassionate. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

