
I have been fleetingly picking up books of late and came across The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. I didn’t read it from cover to cover but I got what I needed at the time. The message I received was about courage, compassion and connection. About 3 months ago I had a breakdown and my mental health wasn’t in a great place. I have always been open and transparent about mental health and am passionate about suicide awareness and prevention. The more we are able to talk about openly and honestly the less isolated we feel.

I was speaking to a colleague today and we both spoke about how we had been feeling. There had been a lack of connection to self, a sense of despair and at times all round questioning what life is about. Her vulnerability allowed me to be open about how I have been feeling and we were simply two souls shining our light on each other. What this allowed me to ponder is that I have refrained from writing my blog lately as I have felt that I haven’t had too much to share. When I am really true and real with myself there has also been a sense of shame attached because I became unwell and I should have known better. I also know that negative self-talk isn’t helpful at all to my emotional wellbeing.

This year has been tough for so many of us and for a myriad of reason. There is so much unknown and the uncertainty wavering. What I know now is simply the present moment. I have come to visit my family in Melbourne. I am grateful that I am able to do this. The not knowing of when I would see them proved too much for me at the time. Self-care seemed to take a back seat and it wasn’t long before I had depleted myself. Is it good\bad, right\wrong? What I do know from this space is that there can only be growth. What I also know is that being open, honest and transparent is far easier than pretending. Having the courage to simply be and show up exactly as we are is all we ever have to be.

What I am also learning is compassion. I seemed to have forgotten this for myself in the last couple of months. I have tried to work it out and simply just get better but life doesn’t always work out the way we plan. Connection and compassion to self is a lesson that I am learning and perhaps it is a place that I have visited before but now from a different space. The world as I knew it even 12 months ago is no longer and what worked for me then feels different now. I don’t have it all worked out but what I do know is that courage, connection and compassion are important values for this moment in time. When this is the energy that I can recognise for myself then it is what I can see in the world. Blessed be and so it is. Thank you.



With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way.


Sonia xxo

3. My thoughts are my best friends. My inner dialogue is kind and loving.


My thoughts have been far from my best friends today. I woke up annoyed and angry and I can’t say there was any kind and loving dialogue going on. Did I wave a magic wand and automatically think kind and loving thoughts? No not really. Instead I decided to do something constructive with my churning thoughts of anger and clean the house instead. I listened to music, did some laundry and allowed whatever it was that I was feeling to dissipate. It was at this point that I actually did notice the affirmation for today and felt the urge to write. It is pretty simple and easy to have kind and loving dialogue when life is flowing, but there are times that it doesn’t. How do we make our thoughts best friends during this time? I don’t feel it is a simple switch because there is often a process, one that allows you to understand where that feeling came from. The reason you got there or the trigger that sent you there to begin with. It is easy to blame this or that. What I do know is that this vibration only keeps us small and doesn’t allow expansion or growth and we simply stay the same. Sometimes our not so loving and kind thoughts allow us to explore. They can bring us to a point of change or release what no longer serves us. For a long time I believed being angry wasn’t constructive. I also know that it can often be disguised with a myriad of others feelings that perhaps haven’t had the opportunity to present. When we are not in tune with ourselves we don’t have the opportunity to deal with them as they present. So at times when we are triggered the easiest reaction can often be anger and annoyance. I am great at it at times; in fact I am sure if there was an award for it today I would have received it. For me I am still processing for now. Choosing not to sit and dwell in the company of anger and actually allow it to move through my body was something that I could do. Writing is a great tool to get me out of my head and back into my heart. Cleaning and cooking also works, at times and at least at the end of the day I have dinner, lunch for work and brownies baking in the oven. Were my thoughts kind and loving through the process? Not entirely. We can only do what we can at any given time. Even with the biggest toolkit we can still be reminded of the simplicity of just being present in each moment. To simply love what comes up for you at any given time for it is an opportunity to grow. #2020#CREATE#connect2createchange# With a splash of mermaid magic and let unicorns lead your way. HUGE LOVE Sonia xxo

“Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and difficult as that” – Michael Leunig


I often look for quotes or pockets of inspiration to write about in my blog. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason, I happen to come across something, it resonates and I write. What I do often find is that there is pretty much always something to learn and grow from. Without growth we lay dormant. Our creativity is stifled and that inner spark is somewhat dimmed.  I haven’t been able to articulate or process the findings of the last month or so. It has been from a space I haven’t quite been before.  Sometimes in life when we are presented with a situation, we can feel the trigger and we know that perhaps there is something in which we need to heal. Other times circumstances are thrust upon us and we don’t quite know what to do with it.  For me right now I am in space of growth and discovering. Discovering what is yet to be and staying in the moment as much as what I possibly can.

What I do know is that with light there is also darkness of our shadow selves. Our shadow can delve us into a space of unknown which can propel us to unease and disproportion. It doesn’t mean that it has to be good or bad it simply means that it is a time to gather what we know and continue to learn. Life is simple and we often choose to complicate it. Trust me I know I can do this really well. What I also know is that when I feel myself reeling into a space of being disconnected it is also a time to connect, align and choose.  I can either choose love and simplicity or I can throw myself into a spanner of drama and non-alignment.  It doesn’t mean that the path that we sometimes cross is not difficult or painful. Rather the contrary, sometimes it is difficult, it pushes us out of our comfort zones and allows growth in a way that we possibly may not have yet imagined.

We can either choose to complicate life or live from a place of love. We can allow the influence of energy from others to determine the way we feel or we can be peaceful warriors. I am not claiming to be in this space of love and rainbows 24/7 in fact I don’t want to be. It is often from my shadow self that I am able to explore and process parts of self that require attention and growth. So for me now it is about digging that little bit deeper to unearth and embrace the new. I can choose to unpack in the uncertainty and uncomfortableness or I embrace a path that can be captured with possibilities and new beginnings. Loving life and one another can be as simple and difficult. Which one do you choose?

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






19. “If we don’t talk about it, it is never going to change” – Unknown



I have been watching “13 Reasons Why” on Netflix for the last few weeks. Or one may call it a bit of binge watching.  It is a series about suicide, sexual abuse, violence, bullying – do I need to go on?  I am sure you get the picture. It is confronting, it is real and it is raw. I came across the quote at the same time “If we don’t talk about it, it is never going to go change” and it resonated. This week I attended a mental health conference on the Gold Coast.  There was a lot about facts and figures but there was also a lot about connection and humanity. It was also about speaking up and creating change. I have had a roller coast kind of week so I spent most of the day yesterday reflecting and processing.

What does connection and humanity really mean?  Sometimes I feel that we have complicated life and we just need to back to the basics. Be kind to one another, have compassion and treat one another with loyalty and respect. It doesn’t mean to say that I am perfect. I know and own that there have been times when I haven’t acted in true integrity. I choose to practice self-love and worth and I work consciously to understand my behaviour towards myself and others.

My blog and writing for me has always been an opportunity to get “stuff” out of my head. It is a way that I am able to explore what is going on for me without having to internalise it. It is my way of taking responsibility. “Stuff” happens to us because we either have to resolve it or it is an opportunity to learn. Sometimes it is a walk to the beach, to witness the beauty of a little girl dancing in the water, living ever so presently with absolute joy and laughter. The world is simply a reflection of where we are at; life has only to offer what we choose to see. The lessons aren’t always easy to learn and sometimes it takes us a while to process.

So if we choose to hide who we are or say what makes our voices quake are we living our truth? Although it has been depicted in a television series, 13 Reasons Why also reveals the real implications of speaking the truth and seeking justice in behaviours that are out of integrity.  The series just as life is provoking. Predominantly it is about a teenager taking her own life. It delves into how the actions of others implicated this in some way shape or form. The decisions that we all make on a day to day basis can create an impact good bad or otherwise.  So be vulnerable, say what it is that you feel and know that we all have the power to create change. As important as our stories may be, equally so is the opportunity to make a difference.  Blessed be and so it is.


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




Sonia xxx

16. Love is what and why I do everything – Michelle Edwards



(beautiful Michelle in Bali)

I caught up with this inspiration of a woman yesterday. She has just returned from a whirlwind of a trip where she ran 84km across Bali. People came from across the globe to raise money for an organisation that supports an end to poverty through education. 84kms!!! I am lucky to be able to run 2 kilometres without stopping. I was in awe of her whole being light up as she spoke about her love of running and being of service. As I later watched some of the highlights from her run she spoke at the end of her 84km with so much courage and inspiration. I can barely breathe after 30 minutes of cardio! Her words resonated and I was filled with goose bumps and tears. “Love is what and why I do everything”.

I met Michelle a few months ago. We literally bumped into each a few days ago and decided to finally catch up for that coffee that we had been meaning to have. I am so grateful that we did. It was such a perfect reminder about life and why we are here. Ultimately as far as I am concerned we are all responsible to make the world a better place. For most of us we live in a very fortunate place with more than we could ever possibly need. I am aware that there are a lot of people that are doing it tough and I am by no means undermining this for others. Instead I have seen this as a huge reminder mostly to myself. Is love what and why I do everything? Our lives are so precious and short so why would we possibly have it any other way.

Michelle and I largely spent most of our “coffee time” together speaking about being of service. What joy we have both received being in a country less fortunate than ours doing something that we love. I couldn’t remember the last time that I had spoken about the work that I do in Cambodia or more importantly dedicating specific time and energy into a place that has filled my heart with so much love. If we are not doing everything with love are we living from a place of fear?

I am not claiming to know all the answers nor am I professing to know it all. Far from it and we are always learning and evolving. I know that the last few weeks I have been settling and grounding into what my life now is. With that has also come of me being in my head and not my heart. Sometimes we need to be there in order to realign to where we need to be. Yesterday for me was a little nudge a small reminder of what life truly means to me. It was an opportunity to reconnect me to my “why” in life. I know that connection to self and others is fundamental to our human existence. Without out we can feel lost and empty. When we truly know that we are all connected it is then that we can truly know and feel that everything we do is from a place of love. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.




9. When I speak up it is a win win for everyone involved. – Emily Gower

images (2)

A few months ago I had a mentoring session with an author. It was about my writing and the direction that I would like to go with that aspect of my life. It was a great session and prompted me in areas of my life that I hadn’t visited before. When you invest the time, energy and effort into the relationship that you have with yourself then it is only a natural reaction that life tends to flow with some grace and ease. Well for me it does anyway.

One of the things that did come up for me was speaking up. Funny huh! For those that know me relatively well I would daresay that they would consider me not having an issue in this area. I was only speaking to someone recently about not yelling or arguing anymore. It felt like such a foreign concept and one that my body did not respond to well. Look let’s make no mistake, I certainly haven’t been an angel in the past and yelling and pointless arguing was something that I once participated in.

Life inevitably happens. You learn lessons and understand that drama is futile. I would much prefer a conscious, courageous conversation. In saying that I am also Italian and totally own the dramatic hand gestures and arm throwing that I have been told I indulge in at times. Ok so I own all parts of me, imperfectly perfect I like to call it.

So somehow along the lines of life I had managed to create a belief pattern that when I speak my truth people leave. I hadn’t just plucked this out of nowhere; it was indeed what had happened in some past relationships\friendships. Now let’s not go down the rabbit hole of where all this came from, for that is way too dramatic. Just kidding! It is probably best to understand this pattern.

I know that as a young woman, culturally it was certainly never encouraged to speak out. It was something that wasn’t looked upon favorably and in fact “answering back” usually came with consequences. Not sure that this quite worked for dad because as a family of 6 girls we can all be pretty opinionated and outspoken. That is not to say that any of it is right or wrong but understanding where our “stuff” comes from then allows us to create a new path.

So when I identified with my mentor that this was an area that had come up from me in the past we created a new belief pattern. What this allowed me to know and truly feel that the people that are meant to be in my life will. For those that are not able to sit with me in my truth then perhaps they are not meant to. It is not about judging or finger pointing. It is about recognising and not blaming others for what resides within us. This is the true essence of freedom. For if we are not living from a place of integrity in all of our actions we are not showing up to shine our light and live love. When I speak up it is a win win for everyone involved. Blessed be and so it is.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.







The perfection affirmation for not only today Valentine’s Day but every day!  Today for me is a day of celebrating love regardless of what your relationships status is. It is also a reminder for me to be love and light in all circumstances of life. I am reading a phenomenal book at the moment called Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell. It is about shining your light and being the most authentic version of you and to shine your awesome light in the world.

As I have been reading the book there are lessons that I have already examined and stopped by to have a look. What the difference is this time is that I am not the same person I may have been when I first unravelled the lesson. Life is about learning and loving. To love all the parts of self even when you may feel that there is no reason to. To stand up and show up no matter what they may feel like, for this is truly love.

Today as I sit and write my blog for the day, I also wait for some of my single mates to pick me so we can celebrate love. We are excited to celebrate, to be alive and all that we are. To celebrate each other and to know the love that we have is to witness the most authentic versions of ourselves.  The relationship that we have with ourselves is the most important relationship that we will ever have. I learn more about this each and every day. The way I feel about myself is ultimately that way the universe will respond to me and this is such a valuable lesson to learn.

Whether or not today is about celebrating with a significant other, friends, whoever or whatever it is a timely reminder to show love and be love. It is not just about today but every day. To be love and to live in your light and to come home to your true authentic self for this is when we truly shine.

For me it is the perfect reminder about the relationship that I have with myself especially when the flow of life has its ebbs and flows. We are ALL deserving of unconditional love for ourselves and each other. To be present and light in all that I do and all that I am. To know and feel that – “Whatever the question, love is the answer” [i]  Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.






[i] Quote – Dr Wayne Dyer

80. I am spirit, light, energy, vibration and love.


As the end of the year fast approaches it is an opportune time to reflect and as humans we want to start fresh, create new goals, and take a new direction. This year for me was filled with many life lessons, some were awesome and some were filled with pain and grief. Friendships severed and new ones have blossomed. New jobs have taken place and old ones have ceased. Family members have left our realm and new ones are being born. It is all part of being spirt, light energy vibration colour and love.

When I feel into what the year has been for me it is especially about growth and grief. I never really felt that the two could coincide but they have. What brings great comfort is feeling that our loved are also spirit, light, energy, vibration colour and eternal love. They never really leave; I believe they simply take on another form. They leave us messages and signs and it is what we learn from these experiences that live in our hearts forever and then some.

Our human bodies are simply a vessel in which we travel around from lifetime to lifetime. We are neither our bodies, nor the colour of our skin or the shape or size that our human form takes on. Rather it is what is inside of us that make us who we truly are. On that note what I also remind myself to understand is that we are all the same.  This is particularly important when we have differences with another or when a drama has presented in our lives. We were all born from a being of light, energy, vibration and love. It is what we have been taught along the way that has allowed us to be the beings that exist at this moment.

At times we are ravaged with stress, drama, pain, grief turmoil. The list can go on and on. That is not to say that these feelings cannot exist. Of course they can and they do. Instead it is how they play out in our lives. We can manifest in the turmoil and the angst of the situation, or we can understand that we are all the same and leading to a path where we are able to return home to love.

I have had quite a few situations this year where I have been challenged by drama. It is a work in progress and compassion would have to be my biggest lesson. Sometimes it is the lesson of letting situations and people go and this can be really tough. It is to love yourself enough to know that you are worthy living a life of magnificence and bliss. The bumps and turns along the way make it an interesting read but it is important not to get caught up in the story. I know for me this affirmation is an awesome reminder to truly let go of the drama of the year that I have been hanging onto. It doesn’t mean that the action of another is less painful rather it is understanding that we all learn at different times and you choose how you wish the story to unfold. I am spirit, light, energy, vibration and love. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste.

With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.


HUGE love



12. I am never stuck, for I can choose new thoughts and new ways of thinking.


My auntie passed away a few days ago and my thoughts and world right now is surrounded by her death. My thoughts and feelings change from hour to hour so when I read the affirmation for today I am reflecting about the way I have been feeling. That is not to say that I don’t have the right to feel sad, confused, bewildered, shocked but rather what I focus on can be different. This does not take it away from the grief as I am also comfortable sitting in my sorrow if that is what it needs to be for now. What I don’t want to focus on is her dead body for I know this is not who she is nor is it for any of us who we are.

Since I began my blog almost two years ago there are few tough situations that I have to deal with, death of such a close family member has not been one of them. What I do know is the closeness that it brings and how precious humanity is. My most profound feelings right now is just how much our bodies are just that, yet we work so bloody much on looking good, being plucked, pruned and it the end it doesn’t bloody matter anyway. What we leave is our soul and as far as I am concerned this is what requires the most attention during our lives. The body in which we travel during this lifetime requires so much love and attention from us in the most beautiful of ways and we especially should love every single aspect that it brings cellulite, stretch marks and all. So instead of thinking about seeing my aunt’s dead body and not liking the way that feels for me I can change my thoughts and be grateful for what it did for her during her 76 years of living on this earth. Furthermore it allows me to love my body even more so I am able to do what I desire with freedom and health.

Our thoughts can consume so much of our head space, so if your thoughts are shitty and dull you will only attract more of the same as this is the energy that will be attracted. I am not saying that you just turn it around and you become happy but changing focus, seeing it from another perspective creates new avenues and thoughts patterns to exist. I am never stuck, for I can always choose new thoughts and new ways of thinking. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.



12. I am never stuck, for I can choose new thoughts and new ways of thinking.


My auntie passed away a few days ago and my thoughts and world right now is surrounded by her death. My thoughts and feelings change from hour to hour so when I read the affirmation for today I am reflecting about the way I have been feeling. That is not to say that I don’t have the right to feel sad, confused, bewildered, shocked but rather what I focus on can be different. This does not take it away from the grief as I am also comfortable sitting in my sorrow if that is what it needs to be for now. What I don’t want to focus on is her dead body for I know this is not who she is nor is it for any of us who we are.

Since I began my blog almost two years ago there are few tough situations that I have to deal with, death of such a close family member has not been one of them. What I do know is the closeness that it brings and how precious humanity is. My most profound feelings right now is just how much our bodies are just that, yet we work so bloody much on looking good, being plucked, pruned and it the end it doesn’t bloody matter anyway. What we leave is our soul and as far as I am concerned this is what requires the most attention during our lives. The body in which we travel during this lifetime requires so much love and attention from us in the most beautiful of ways and we especially should love every single aspect that it brings cellulite, stretch marks and all. So instead of thinking about seeing my aunt’s dead body and not liking the way that feels for me I can change my thoughts and be grateful for what it did for her during her 76 years of living on this earth. Furthermore it allows me to love my body even more so I am able to do what I desire with freedom and health.

Our thoughts can consume so much of our head space, so if your thoughts are shitty and dull you will only attract more of the same as this is the energy that will be attracted. I am not saying that you just turn it around and you become happy but changing focus, seeing it from another perspective creates new avenues and thoughts patterns to exist. I am never stuck, for I can always choose new thoughts and new ways of thinking. Blessed be and so it is. So it is done. Namaste


With a sprinkle of fairy dust and may magic follow your day.

